Geeko Prismbreak Section [Tips, Tricks & Recommendations]

Hi guys and gals,

What have you done to improve your internet-using habits? Did you get rid of all the ‘rotten apples’ and bad guys on the web like google etc.? Today, I’m one step closer to a final transition. What I’m using is the following:

  • email: Posteo. Safe, secure, eco-friendly, socially responsible email provider.
  • social networking: Diaspora. I got a hang of it finally, and must say it’s more than functional. Like a great combination of Facebook and Twitter, just decentralized and less cluttered + you own your own information.
  • OS - see signature
  • Currently also transforming my music collection into ogg’s.
  • Last step: I have to make Amarok scrobble to somehow. Don’t know how to pull it off, as the docs info doesn’t work. But I hope I’ll get it soon.
  • Search engine: duckduckgo, with a modified theme and regional preference turned on. It keeps getting better and better.

Got rid of Twitter today.

So, what’s your status?

I’m working on it! :slight_smile:

I have been using a communit based e-mail service for a couple of years now and it works great. Have been trying Diaspore from time to time but have not stuck with it… I’m not that social anyway :slight_smile:

I have all my music in FLAC soon!

Well, switched to Rhythmbox from Amarok, so also my profile is remained to be deleted. does a great job at collecting stats.

Recap after quite some time using Diaspora now. I had to create a ‘fake’ FB account for a local community group, which is only there, and boy is there a contrast between D* and FB. The quality of posts on D* is really fantastic. Interesting people from across the globe, discussing meaningful themes, and tasteful nonsense :slight_smile: I can’t recommend the network enough. Be sure to go to a well-maintained pod though.