GCC JIT in Leap (15.6)

Hello there,
maybe a simple question, but is there gccjit available for Leap distribution? I mean, in some “official” way, not a third party OBS repo. On TW, there is libgccjit (that pulls whatever the version of the gcc is on the system). I need it for building Emacs from source.

Or should I just build the whole gcc by myself? That also sounds like a fun project, so I am not opposed to that completely :smiley:

Thanks ahead for any kind of recommendation.

Are you sure you need libgccjit?

I had a look in the OBS builld log for emacs on Leap 15.6 and did not find libcgit/cgit in it.


For Emacs with native compilation yes, I need libgccjit :

“This feature uses the libgccjit library, which is part of the GCC distribution”

Emacs can also optionally compile Lisp function definitions

Do you explicitly want this, the tumbleweed compile seems to have it not enabled.

From gcc spec:

# Enable plugins just for Tumbleweed, not for SLES

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