I know there are other threads that have discussed this issue, but since none of the others dont talk about a solution, I thought I will create a new one with some more inputs to try and solve this issue.
So the issue is the screen shows randm garbage on the screen before showing the login screen and after logging in before showing the desktop. This does not affect productivity but does not look good. I have an nVidia 9700M GT card and I thought this was an nVidia driver issue. However, recently I installed Sabayon 4.1 on my laptop in another partition and what do i see? NO garbage! I use the same driver (180.53) and on openSUSE i see garbage. So, it looks like openSUSE is the one with the issue and not nVidia.
Hope this helps some one out there to find a solution for this issue.
I get this too. But not only on opensuse11.1, it’s the same if i use the latest kubuntu livecd for example.
A while ago changing from EXA to XAA acceleration in xorg fixed it. I have a Radeon X700M and use the opensource radeon driver btw.
There’s a bug open at freedesktop.org but it’s kind of idle: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19579
I’ve read where some users have had success in removing openSUSE’s branding, and using either upstream branding or openSUSE’s respin branding. I tried with the respin, and had only moderate success.
Well that did not work for me… Ugh! I just winder how Sabayon gets it to work without the garbage? I tried using the same xorg.conf but on openSUSE i see garbage!