Games tearing in gnome

Hello, I have OpenSuse GNOME on an AMD card. I noticed that when I have below about 150 FPS in games there is tearing. I have a 60HZ monitor. I installed the TKG-kernel and the tearing has dropped a bit but is still noticeable under Xorg and Wayland. I had the same problem on my old laptop… V-sync and fps limit only makes it worse. After creating 20-amd.conf Xorg won’t boot. I can’t even enter the console, I have a black screen.

@NateNeX Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
What is a TKG kernel? If you press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a VT, log in as root user and remove the file you created. AFAIK it should be named 20-amdgpu.conf to ensure it overrides the defaults that may be in /usr/etc for X11.

@NateNeX Another thought since your on AMD GPU, for Xorg you can use xrandr --output <monitor_port> --set TearFree on not sure on Wayland, maybe arandr has the same.

Well, i also wanted to know What is a TKG kernel? anyone tell me.

Try installing Disable unredirect fullscreen windows - GNOME Shell Extensions

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately this did not help :frowning:

I did it on Xorg and it didn’t help. However, I noticed that the problem mainly occurs at 90-150 FPS. When I set the limit to a constant 60 tearing is not there (I have 60 hz). But when I set it to 90 the game is unplayable. The only option is to limit FPS to 60 or no limit but I can’t always do that.

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