g77 error when installing dock6 software


I am new to OpenSuse 11.2 so I need much help.

Does anybody knows which kind of error is g77 and what can I do to correct it?

This is what I obtain when trying to install using the command make:

make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock' cd accessories && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories’
g77 -c -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore -o showbox.o showbox.f
make[2]: g77: Command not found
make[2]: *** [showbox.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories' make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src’
make: *** [install] Error 2

Thank you very much


When the g77 can not be found it seems that you do not have the GNU Fortran 77 compiler installed. Go to YaST > Software > Software Management. Search for fortran and select the Fortran 77 compiler for installation at right. See if this helps.

P.S. You get the error while generating the product, not while installing. Installation you will do after the generating is successfull.

Hi again,

Yast shows me that fortran compiler and support files is installed.
I installed it again and tried make command again. The following is the answer of the shell.

victor@biology-81c987a:~> ls
bin Documents logs Pictures public_html Templates
Desktop Download Music Public src Videos
victor@biology-81c987a:~> cd src
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src> ls
ang10.dat ang30.dat dock_linux-4.0.1 readme.ps
ang12.dat chimera-1.4-linux.exe gramm rmol.gr
ang15.dat dock.4.0.1_linux.tar gramm.log rpar.gr
ang18.dat dock6 gramm_pclinux.tar.Z wlist.gr
ang20.dat dock.6.3_source.tar.gz readme.doc
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src> cd dock6
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src/dock6> ls
bin install parameters src tutorials
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src/dock6> cd install
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src/dock6/install> ls
config.h gnu.acml gnu.pbsa intel.mkl sgi sgi.pbsa
configure gnu.parallel ibmaix Makefile sgi.parallel test
gnu gnu.parallel.pbsa intel rules.h sgi.parallel.pbsa
victor@biology-81c987a:~/src/dock6/install> make
Starting installation of
DOCK v6.3
at Thu Apr 29 14:18:04 EDT 2010.

cd …/src && make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src' cd dock && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock’
cd nab && make all
make[3]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab' ar rv nab.a molio.o prm.o sff.o traceback.o select_atoms.o memutil.o reslib.o jacobi.o molutil.o chirvol.o regexp.o binpos.o time.o rand2.o conjgrad.o database.o tleap.o r - molio.o r - prm.o r - sff.o r - traceback.o r - select_atoms.o r - memutil.o r - reslib.o r - jacobi.o r - molutil.o r - chirvol.o r - regexp.o r - binpos.o r - time.o r - rand2.o r - conjgrad.o r - database.o r - tleap.o ranlib nab.a make[3]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab’
g++ -O2 -o dock6 amber_typer.o base_grid.o base_mpi.o base_score.o conf_gen.o dock.o dockmol.o grid.o library_file.o master_score.o orient.o score.o simplex.o sphere.o score_solvent.o score_amber.o sasa.o score_chemgrid.o utils.o trace.o nab/*.o -lm -lpthread
mv dock6 …/…/bin
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock' cd accessories && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories’
g77 -c -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore -o showbox.o showbox.f
make[2]: g77: Command not found
make[2]: *** [showbox.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories' make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src’
make: *** [install] Error 2

Thank you very much for your help.


Try doing as suggested here DOCK 6 FAQ

And what when you do

which g77

found or not?

And please can you put your valuble computer output between CODE tags, makes it much more readable.

And FeatherMonkey’s suggestion leads to testing if you have gfortran instead.

Start the software installer, the search view. Check ‘RPM provides’, enter g77 in the search field and hit Enter. You’ll see this package:
( + libg2c33-32bit on 64bit systems)
Install , and the error should be gone, or at least replaced by a next one indicating something is missing :wink:

Hi again,

I tried which g77 and I got:

victor@biology-81c987a:~> which g77
which: no g77 in (/usr/lib/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin:/home/victor/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/opt/kde3/bin:/opt/cross/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/usr/lib/qt3/bin)



then it is not installed. Folow Knurpht’s post above to install.


It has passed long time since I was having this problem g77.
I tried to install libg2c33 and this was the answer:

victor@biology-08b056e:~> ls
bin Documents logs Pictures public_html Templates
Desktop Download Music Public src Videos
victor@biology-08b056e:~> cd src
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src> ls
ang10.dat ang30.dat dock_linux-4.0.1 readme.ps
ang12.dat chimera-1.4-linux.exe gramm rmol.gr
ang15.dat dock.4.0.1_linux.tar gramm.log rpar.gr
ang18.dat dock6 gramm_pclinux.tar.Z wlist.gr
ang20.dat dock.6.3_source.tar.gz readme.doc
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src> cd dock6
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6> ls
bin install parameters src tutorials
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6> cd install
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> ls
config.h gnu.acml gnu.pbsa intel.mkl sgi sgi.pbsa
configure gnu.parallel ibmaix Makefile sgi.parallel test
gnu gnu.parallel.pbsa intel rules.h sgi.parallel.pbsa
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> ./configure gnu
The requested configuration file was found.

Warning: the configuration file already exists with the creation stamp:

Created at Tue Apr 27 16:19:44 EDT 2010 via ./configure gnu

It will be overwritten !
Don’t forget to make clean before rebuilding.
The best way to reconfigure and rebuild is to start with make distclean.
Reconfiguring after make distclean will avoid this warning.

The DOCK configuration file has been created.
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> ls
config.h gnu.acml gnu.pbsa intel.mkl sgi sgi.pbsa
configure gnu.parallel ibmaix Makefile sgi.parallel test
gnu gnu.parallel.pbsa intel rules.h sgi.parallel.pbsa
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> make all
Starting installation of
DOCK v6.3
at Tue May 11 11:54:05 EDT 2010.

cd …/src && make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src' cd dock && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock’
cd nab && make all
make[3]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab' ar rv nab.a molio.o prm.o sff.o traceback.o select_atoms.o memutil.o reslib.o jacobi.o molutil.o chirvol.o regexp.o binpos.o time.o rand2.o conjgrad.o database.o tleap.o r - molio.o r - prm.o r - sff.o r - traceback.o r - select_atoms.o r - memutil.o r - reslib.o r - jacobi.o r - molutil.o r - chirvol.o r - regexp.o r - binpos.o r - time.o r - rand2.o r - conjgrad.o r - database.o r - tleap.o ranlib nab.a make[3]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab’
g++ -O2 -o dock6 amber_typer.o base_grid.o base_mpi.o base_score.o conf_gen.o dock.o dockmol.o grid.o library_file.o master_score.o orient.o score.o simplex.o sphere.o score_solvent.o score_amber.o sasa.o score_chemgrid.o utils.o trace.o nab/*.o -lm -lpthread
mv dock6 …/…/bin
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock' cd accessories && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories’
g77 -c -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore -o showbox.o showbox.f
make[2]: g77: Command not found
make[2]: *** [showbox.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories' make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src’
make: *** [install] Error 2
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> make
Starting installation of
DOCK v6.3
at Tue May 11 11:54:53 EDT 2010.

cd …/src && make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src' cd dock && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock’
cd nab && make all
make[3]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab' ar rv nab.a molio.o prm.o sff.o traceback.o select_atoms.o memutil.o reslib.o jacobi.o molutil.o chirvol.o regexp.o binpos.o time.o rand2.o conjgrad.o database.o tleap.o r - molio.o r - prm.o r - sff.o r - traceback.o r - select_atoms.o r - memutil.o r - reslib.o r - jacobi.o r - molutil.o r - chirvol.o r - regexp.o r - binpos.o r - time.o r - rand2.o r - conjgrad.o r - database.o r - tleap.o ranlib nab.a make[3]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock/nab’
g++ -O2 -o dock6 amber_typer.o base_grid.o base_mpi.o base_score.o conf_gen.o dock.o dockmol.o grid.o library_file.o master_score.o orient.o score.o simplex.o sphere.o score_solvent.o score_amber.o sasa.o score_chemgrid.o utils.o trace.o nab/*.o -lm -lpthread
mv dock6 …/…/bin
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/dock' cd accessories && make install make[2]: Entering directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories’
g77 -c -O2 -fno-automatic -fno-second-underscore -o showbox.o showbox.f
make[2]: g77: Command not found
make[2]: *** [showbox.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src/accessories' make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory /home/victor/src/dock6/src’
make: *** [install] Error 2
victor@biology-08b056e:~/src/dock6/install> ls
config.h gnu.acml gnu.pbsa intel.mkl sgi sgi.pbsa
configure gnu.parallel ibmaix Makefile sgi.parallel test
gnu gnu.parallel.pbsa intel rules.h sgi.parallel.pbsa

I hope you can further help me.

Thank you very much


getting this error while installing DOCK6
pls help!!!

make all

sphere_selector.cpp:104:34: warning: ignoring return value of ‘char* fgets(char*, int, FILE*)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result -Wunused-result]
mv showbox showsphere sphgen sphere_selector …/…/bin
sed “s?DOCKHOME?/home/ashish/Documents/dock6?g” prepare_amber.pl > …/…/bin/prepare_amber.pl
/bin/sh: 1: cannot create …/…/bin/prepare_amber.pl: Permission denied
make[2]: *** [install] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/ashish/Documents/dock6/src/accessories' make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory /home/ashish/Documents/dock6/src’
make: *** [install] Error 2

Welcome to the Suse forums. I see this is your first post.

By posting to this thread you have revived a three year old dead thread - and your issue is not the same.

You should open a new thread for your issue.

It’s not possible to see from the output what user your running this as, but the message

/bin/sh: 1: cannot create ../../bin/prepare_amber.pl: Permission denied

Is pretty much a giveway that your can write to …/…/bin/?

show us the output of the following command, please.

cd ../../bin
ls -l