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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Evergreen] openSUSE 11.4 Evergreen status
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:44:55 +0200
From: Wolfgang Rosenauer <>
as you probably know our initial commitment to support 11.4 within
Evergreen was until July 2014.
While I was hoping that we can keep 11.4 alive for some time longer this
is currently not possible from what I would call the “core team” which
is Stefan and myself. We are too busy nowadays to be able to scan and
patch every issue we get aware of.
While some of you submitted patches in the past there would be much more
to do to call 11.4 “Evergreen supported”.
Therefore I will soon announce that 11.4 went out of “official”
Evergreen support but will accept further contributions to fix critical
and security issues. I’ll try to provide them for my area of expertise.
If anyone wants to step up and take the responsibility to monitor
security issues and patch them, we would be happy to help you getting up
to speed and help in reviews and release process.
Also please note that nothing changed for the plans of Evergreen support
for 13.1.
Some numbers from 11.4 Evergreen (as far as I was able to get them easily):
Evergreen lifetime: 21 months
11.4 overall lifetime (incl. Evergreen): 41 months / 3 years 5 months
Evergreen lifetime numbers:
Released update source packages: 791
Unique touched source packages: 175
rough number of patches (based on incident counter): 312
Let me quote Marcus’ numbers from official maintenance lifetime:
Total updates: 723
Security: 416
Recommended: 306
Optional: 1
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