fusion-icon "no text plugin" error?

Anyone know what this means:

me@my-laptop:~>  * Detected Session: kde
 * Searching for installed applications...
 * NVIDIA on Xorg detected, exporting: __GL_YIELD=NOTHING
 * Using the GTK Interface
 * Starting Compiz
 ... executing: compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp
compiz (core) - Error: no 'text' plugin with ABI version '20080421' loaded

compiz (thumbnail) - Warn: No compatible text plugin found.
Starting kde-window-decorator

The odd thing is that Compiz loads, but Emerald doesn’t, and I don’t get the fusion-icon showing sometimes.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I get the same error- after having a multitude of issues installing compiz on fresh 11.1.
researching it now, I’ll post back anything useful…
anybody else know why this plugin would be missing?

Seeing as it stops at the thumbnail plugin, you could try to disable that and see if it works properly then. I have the thumbnail plug-in working fine here though.

What version of compiz are you using?

You can see this by opening a terminal and typing

compiz --version

Good Luck,
