Fullscreen window in Gnome

I’m trying out Gnome at the moment. One thing that worked well in KDE was making windows fullscreen. There’s an option on the panel: advanced->fullscreen, however there doesn’t appear to be that option in Gnome.

Can a Gnome expert help me out here? I work a lot from home thru VNC and I like to have it in fullscreen mode.


Google gave me → this.


I am reluctant to call myself a gnome expert … but I have used it daily for many years. I am not aware of such a feature existing independent of specific applications (such as firefox and VMWare) that implement it. If I remember correctly, the default VNC client on OpenSUSE’s gnome has a fullscreen option. I think it is in a “connection settings” section or something similar.

Have fun!


PS … thx for the link … I learned something new today :smiley:

Yeah, I saw that as well. I tried it out, but it doesn’t work… well it works on the firefox window, but not on any other window. Strange!

Also, in the control center “Personal->Keyboard Shortcuts” there is no option for fullscreen. Btw, “System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts” doesn’t exist which makes me believe that the instructions are for an older version of gnome.