full screen streaming video controls broken in PBS broadcasts

until one day last week when Public Broadcasting System (PBS) in the
USA changed their methods i could (for example) adjust the volume and
click from full screen down to regular size with my mouse…

now i can only adjust volume and change screen size while not in full
screen mode…

can anyone please try any video available on

and confirm if they see the same (i mean, maybe it is just me, or my
11.4 Evergreen with KDE 4.6.0-6.17.1 using Intel Pineview Integrated
Graphics Controller with the opensource intel drivers–i tried it and
had the same results with these browsers:

Firefox 22.0-79.1
Google Chrome Stable 27.0.1453.110-202711
Opera 12.15-52.1 build 1748

and with both Pepper (on Chrome) and Adobe Flash (in the others)

more hard/software details, if needed in sig…

and if you have a Android tablet/phone which is streaming capable
(on flash) please also let me know how that works for you (here and
get any size video to play on two different droid devices…

and if anyone has a MS-Windows machine which is bootable and safe
to run on the net, they might please confirm my suspicion that the
full screen video is great in IE (but, what about firefox, opera and

(my plan is to nicely inform them of the dysfunction and ask them to
please fix/test the streaming method on non-MS/IE platforms…)


using firefox 22 in openSUSE 12.3 all works as it should.
I had no issues. Volume adjust works in non full and full screen.
I’m not sure what you men by adjust screen size in full screen - surely if you are in full screen then the screen size is fixed to, well . . . full screen???

On 07/11/2013 02:26 PM, farcusnz wrote:
> I’m not sure what you men by adjust screen size in full screen - surely
> if you are in full screen then the screen size is fixed to, well . . .
> full screen???

or back to not-full-screen that is, the size it was before it was
clicked to full screen…should should be able to be accomplished by
clicking on the right end of the controls bar at the bottom of the

here, sometimes i can’t even get it to immediately go from full
screen back to smaller, even by pressing the Esc button…sometimes
it takes several presses of the Esc to work…

sigh…it seems to be my system, and not that they developed to a
target IE.


I see.
Yes, I had no problem with that.

Your pepprflash seems quite old. I think it is up to about 11.7 or 11.8 now.
Doubt that is the problem though as I tested with 11.2 from non-oss repo.

No problem here playing the link.
Using firefox 22 on openSUSE 12.3 with xfce
full screen mode is fine, audio is okay also.

On 07/11/2013 04:36 PM, farcusnz wrote:
> Your pepprflash seems quite old. I think it is up to about 11.7 or 11.8
> now.

oh sorry…i gave the same version for both pepper and adobe, the
pepper is actually 11.7.700.203

for conram: thanks for the report…but, i hate to hear it!


Online streamming video is very good