Looking for suggestions for a FTP server app. Not sure what to look for in an application - Just have a need to have file transfer from my LAN to the WAN - low number of users will have access - easy to configure with a GUI interface.
Thank you
Looking for suggestions for a FTP server app. Not sure what to look for in an application - Just have a need to have file transfer from my LAN to the WAN - low number of users will have access - easy to configure with a GUI interface.
Thank you
Humm . . . the GUI interface is the hard part. Vsftp, pureftp, heck - even a quick and dirty set of using xinit - they are all pretty simple. However, none have any GUI admin interface I am aware of.
There of course are control panels (Webmin, Cpanel, etc.) that allow you to administer user accounts and ftp accounts, etc. but that might be a bit overkill.
LewsTherinTelemon wrote:
> Humm . . . the GUI interface is the hard part. Vsftp, pureftp, heck -
> even a quick and dirty set of using xinit - they are all pretty simple.
> However, none have any GUI admin interface I am aware of.
> There of course are control panels (Webmin, Cpanel, etc.) that allow
> you to administer user accounts and ftp accounts, etc. but that might be
> a bit overkill.
I would suggest vsftp. The administration functions I needed are available
in Yast->Network Services->FTP Server.
db9 wrote:
> Looking for suggestions for a FTP server app. Not sure what to look
> for in an application - Just have a need to have file transfer from my
> LAN to the WAN - low number of users will have access - easy to
> configure with a GUI interface.
> Thank you
For a small number of users why not just install ssh and let them use
sftp? They can do it graphically with e.g. filezilla, or by mounting
server directories with sshfs.
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Filezilla is pretty darn good and easy to use.
Yes, for a small number of users, just use the existing ssh service with filezilla. If opening the service outside of your LAN, translate from a different port to 22 at the border router so that you don’t get these skript kiddies having a go at your ssh service and filling up your log. Also disable root login via ssh and specify an AllowUsers list.
One disadvantage of ssh/sftp is that there is no way of enforcing a home jail without building a custom sftp server, your users can browse all over the system. I think this might be fixed in recent or upcoming versions of sftp, don’t remember the details.
Not sure what you mean - I have a WRT54GL running Tomato. Do you mean to port forward port 22 to some other external port?
Where do I disable this?
The only FTP that I know was an external drive (USB)with a built in FTP (Linux based) - All I had to do was create a directory and allow a user/password to the directory
I will look at finding a vsftpd tutorial/setup info…
I think what ken_yap was meaning is:
If you are using this outside the LAN change to a random port other than 22 which is the standard ssh. It common to have ssh on 22 under attack as it is commonly left unsecured.
On the root server, edit: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
**Protocol 2 **(remove the hash)
PermitRootLogin no
PubKeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys (this folder is in your hidden home, it should have been created when you copied the key from the remote client - make sure the path is the same as you have)
**PasswordAuthentication yes
**(this I have as Yes because I have use a password as well as the key)
If I have it correct myself the hosts allow is edited
at the end of the file add:
sshd : 192.168.. (the ip of the remote machine/s)
With vsftpd what is the difference between starting at boot and using xinetd?
Are the users that you allow access - are these set from with user manager or is there a config file that I edit to add myself or a co-worker too - or does this person need to become a ‘user’ that can login to the console?
Am I better to use SSH as a means to enter the FTP? The info on the ftp is work transfer data and notes, program updates etc.
Thank you
If running standalone, a vsftpd process is always active.
If running under xinetd, an instance gets started by xinetd on demand. So lots of services that are rarely used can be run from xinetd, and there will be only one process, xinetd, running most of the time. This reduces the number of rarely used processes that are running. However running under xinetd is not good for services with heavy usage or require fast response. So services like Samba and Apache are never run under xinetd.
Whether the ftp users are the same as the login users depends on whether you are using virtual users or login users for the authentication database.
Ssh is not related to ftp. Sftp is not related to ftp. Some people confuse sftp with ftp over SSL, which is related to ftp.