portsample wrote:
> Hello,
> I’ve entered the following in my fstab,
> //dotwichfs03.dot.nebraska.local/office /home/bjohnson/sharedFile cifs
> uid=bjohnson,credentials=/home/bjohnson/pwdtxtfile,users,noauto 0 0
> I’d like for bjohnson to be able to access this network file w/out
> having to log in as root and do a mount. Is there a way to do this
> w/fstab?
> I’ve tried users=gid w/no luck. Thanks.
> Hello,
> I’ve entered the following in my fstab,
> //dotwichfs03.dot.nebraska.local/office /home/bjohnson/sharedFile cifs
> uid=bjohnson,credentials=/home/bjohnson/pwdtxtfile,users,noauto 0 0
> I’d like for bjohnson to be able to access this network file w/out
> having to log in as root and do a mount. Is there a way to do this
> w/fstab?
> I’ve tried users=gid w/no luck. Thanks.
It might help to read this HowTo: http://www.swerdna.net.au/linhowtosambacifs.html
P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green
bjohnson@WIC-BJOHNSON2:~> mount /home/bjohnson/SharedDrive
mount: only root can mount //dotnebfs01.dot.nebraska.local/common on /home/bjohnson/SharedDrive
Who is the owner of the folder, wich you want to mount the share?
If the owner is root, try to ‘chown’ the folder.
I know it’s too simple, but it’s an idea too.
You’re very cryptic in your posts. Can you tell me
(a) whether this mounts at boot time
(b) whether it mounts at all
(c) what permissions it mounts with if it does mount
(d) what you do to make it mount
Sorry- I wasn’t trying to be cryptic.
-The network directory does not mount at boot.
-I mount this directory from the command line after su’ing to root by entering, “mount /home/bjohnson/SharedDrive”,
-while logged in as bjohnson I have read and write permissions.
You’ve already added the option _netdev so that won’t help more, but I list it here for others
Put a delay on the mount command by constructing a root cron job that calls the mount command “mount -a” after a 10 or 20 second delay with this crontable entry: