fstab being ignored?

I did a Zypper dup on my laptop before trusting it on my “real” computers.

About the only problem I have is that the drive on my server, which is listed in /etc/fstab, does not mount at boot whereas it did before.

I see that the upgrade changed all the LABEL statements to UUID statements which I can change back without much trouble.

The line in fstab that is not being executed looks like:  /mnt/Server   nfs   rw,sync,hard,intr    0    0

The rw,sync,hard,intr has replaced “defaults” in the file.

This line works in all my other computers that are still running 15.1. Ive tried changing the options to default with no success.

I can mount the drive using the mount command, it just won’t do it by itself at boot time.

What’s changed?

I wa going to post the actual fstab file to this thread, but guess what? I can’t ssh to the laptop anymore! Is there something else that changed?

That you cannot ssh suggests that you are having network issues.

It seems so.

The laptop will access the internet just fine however I cannot ssh to my desktop, nor from my desktop to the laptop.

That could also be the problem with the fstab file.

My router shows the laptop connected with a wired connection, the DHCP server has issued a address as it should. I have a fixed address of for the laptop.

Where else should I look?


Try turning off firewall for a test. May need to open some ports

Yes, ssh and others are blocked by the firewall (in several zones) on a new install.

The GUI installer gives you a chance to changes that on the summary page - just before you click the button to proceed.

You may use the Yast Security and Users page to view and change the services disabled in the various firewall zones.

15.1 was the same - ssh disabled by default

Yes, the firewall is blocking ssh.

On both my desktop and the laptop I have the following settings:

Zones        Allowed
block          nothing
dmz           ssh 
drop           nothing
external      ssh
home          dhcpv6-client  mdns  samba-client  ssh
internal      dhcpv6-client  mdns  samba-client  ssh
public        dhcpv6-client
trusted        nothing
work          dhcpv6-client  ssh

It doesn’t seem that ssh should be listed in the dmz and external zones if I don’t want anyone outside of my home network logging in. Am I correct?

Is the absence of ssh in the trusted zone preventing me from making the connections? Where can I find a description of the various zones?


The firewalld documentation

Thinks of the zones as preconfigured selections, each with their own level of trust. They can be configured as you like though. More complex arrangements can be done when multiple interfaces a present.

Some guides to help familiarise yourself


Yes, you need to allow incoming traffic on the designated port if you want to use such a service.

I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps I was dropped on my head when I was little! :open_mouth:

I studied the documentation links I was sent and the man pages and it seems to be pretty much straight forward.

I discovered that because I am not using Network Manager I can’t get the firewall to recognize anything other than the default (public) zone. So I changed the settings in /etc/firewalld/public.html and added the services I thought I should need.

After rebooting, I get:

UNIVAC:~ # firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: eth0
  services: ssh mdns samba-client dhcpv6-client apcupsd
  masquerade: no
  rich rules: 

The way I understand it, this computer should accept a ssh connection form my laptop. Yes?

But, from my laptop I get:

-> ssh -lbart
ssh connect to host port 22: connection refused.

I don’t understand! I didn’t change the port for ssh. Obviously the laptop see my desktop, My desktop says it should accept ssh. What am I doing wrong?

I chose to use wicked rather than Network Manager only because I thought that with the wireless adapter being ignored there would be one less entry point to my computer. Was this a mistake?


That just means that the service is not running.

Try (as root)

systemctl start sshd
systemctl enable sshd

Of course, those need to be run on the server.

Well, that did it. Thanks!

The message threw me off. It said refused, not unavailable. So, I guess I have the firewall thing down as much as I need it right now.

So, back to the original problem of why the line in /etc/fstab is not being executed.

bart@localhost:~> cat /etc/fstab
UUID=01751da9-df42-43bd-9dbd-a28491550dbb swap                 swap       defaults              0 0
UUID=c1fcf45e-424b-4353-9160-8e4cb5c7fe93 /                    ext4       acl,user_xattr        1 1
UUID=ADB4-1D96       /boot/efi            vfat       umask=0002,utf8=true  0 0
UUID=5abd0b2e-1f8d-4b26-a8d6-38f38aa0c535 /home                ext4       acl,user_xattr        1 2    /mnt/Server nfs rw,sync,hard,intr    0   0

I can mount it using the mount command, so the drive is there and working.
The exact same line is on the two desktops running 15.1 and work properly.


With a firewall problem, you usually get a connection timeout, or sometimes “no route”. If you get connection refused, then you have passed the firewall but there isn’t a service you can connect to.

I’ll remember that. Thank you!


With respect to the remote NFS share, likely that the network is not up when the NFS entry is processed.

See the additional options to allow for this scenario…

Is the SSH daemon (sshd) running on your laptop?
By default it is not enabled (marked as Manual start) - clients cant SSH in unless the daemon is running.
You can use the Yast Services Manager to change the sshd daemon Start Mode from “Manual” to “On Boot”

Refer posts #11 and #12. :wink:

Still trying to my server drive mounted at boot.

On my other machines, running 15.1 the following line in /etc/fstab works just fine.

Server:/home/common    /mnt/Server nfs defaults    0   0

On my laptop, that line does not work.

I did

journalctl -b 0 | grep mount

and got the following three lines:

Jul 12 19:26:14 localhost systemd[1]: mnt-Server.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Jul 12 19:26:14 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to mount /mnt/Server.
Jul 12 19:26:14 localhost systemd[1]: mnt-Server.mount: Unit entered failed state.

Apparently the error code came from systemd.

What does error code 32 mean? I can’t find documentation on error codes.


Show us the output from

sudo journalctl -xe

Error code came from mount porgram.

What does error code 32 mean? I can’t find documentation on error codes.

man mount.

       32     mount failure