hello dear perl-fans
first of all - many thanks for the help. you helped me alot so far…
well i was running a script (see below) gave back the following;
linux-wyee:/home/martin/perl # perl kath_test_1.pl
[see below]
Loosdorf Ledochowskastra�e 4 3382 Loosdorf Telefonnummer: 02754 6257 FAX-Nummer: 02754 6257-4
linux-wyee:/home/martin/perl #
the script below gives back result like this one;
3382 Loostown
Telefonnummer: 0002754 6257
FAX-Nummer: 0002754 6257-4
see more results:
Marias Neustift Neustift 28 4443 Maria Neustift Telefonnummer: 007250/204 FAX-Nummer: 07250/204-4 E-Mail: prre.marianeustift@dioezese-linz.at
Marias Puchheim Gmundner Stra�e 1b 4800 Attnang-Puchheim Telefonnummer: 007674/62334 FAX-Nummer: 07674/62334-4 E-Mail: prre.mariapuchheim@dioezese-linz.at
Marias Scharten Scharten 1 4612 Scharten Telefonnummer: 007272/5210
Marias Schmolln Maria Schmolln 2 5241 Maria Schmolln Telefonnummer: 007743/2209-12 FAX-Nummer: 07743/2209-17 E-Mail: prre.mariaschmolln@dioezese-linz.at
Mattighofen R�merstra�e 12 5230 Mattighofen Telefonnummer: 007742/2273 0676/87765221 FAX-Nummer: 07742/2273-22 E-Mail: peipfarre.mattighofen@dioezese-linz.at
Mauerkirchens Pfarrhofstra�e 4 5270 Mauerkirchen Telefonnummer: 007724/2262
it does count up - that is great!!
1 what i wanted is to force the script to run from 00000 to 10000 -
note: the results should be stored in a csv formatted way…
for 1. therfore i did the changes: changed the $max_page_num to the max number and change $page to the starting number. this will only print the data to stdout (console)
now i am trying to modify it…
well i have to put it to the CSV-values.
usually this can be done with use Text::CSV_XS (where the Class::CSV is based on).
Note: A friend also suggested me using Text::CSV which will load up Text::CSV_XS or,
Well at the moment all the results will only print the data to stdout (console) im sure that i can modify it…
i just installed the Text::CSV_XS
took it from here: Text::CSV_XS - search.cpan.org
now i try to figure out which attributes i do use
what do you suggest!?
How to force the script to give back CSV
here the script without any CSV-modules
#!/usr/bin/perl ## This is how i would go about doing what i understand about what your trying todo ## EXAMPLE only use 5.014; use strict; use warnings; use WWW::Mechanize; use HTML::TokeParser; use Data::Dumper; my $target_url = 'http://katholisch.at/content/site/pfarrfinder/address/'; #base url my $page = 4000; #page start number my $format = '.html'; #ending format my $max_page_num = 4100; #2300 max page number #loop threw the pages for (0..$max_page_num){ #get mech my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); #set agent $mech->agent_alias('Windows Mozilla'); #this combines to make the url my $url = $target_url . "$page" . "$format"; #get the page $mech->get($url); #get the page my $page_content = $mech->content(); #filter the html my $html = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$page_content); #search and match while(my $tag = $html->get_tag('strong')){ my $text = $html->get_trimmed_text('script'); say $text; } $page++; } 1;
**question **
how to combine the mechanize script with the one that takes care for the