This post was erroneously posted under the 64bit forum when it happens on a 32bits kernel.
When I try to fax out the phone just ring once then it fails. one ringtone and stops.
Before I explain the problem, I read somewhere that a patch for the capi4hylafax had to be installed but I wanted to make sure
that it was needed in my case and which file was the good one.
Here is the forum where I read this:
linux-avmb1:Problems with sending faxes with c2faxsend.
All links are down
And here is where there are some patches.
I’ve already spent a lot of time. Maybe it is just a pb of configuration
thanks in advance!!
Here are some more details.
I run an opensuse 10.2 with hardware Network controller: AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH Fritz!PCI v2.0 ISDN (rev 01)
kernel version: Linux prod1 #1 SMP Mon Nov 27 11:46:27 UTC 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
I have those packages installed
I receive fax without any problem.
The command I use to send out faxes and the output:
prod1:/etc/isdn # c2faxsend -vL -C /etc/config.faxCAPI -d 0491503394 -f TIFF /var/spool/hylafax/recvq/fax00146.tif
The config file is /etc/config.faxCAPI
C4H-Version 01.03.00 (32Bit).
Try to connect to fax number 0491503394 in TIFF mode on controller 1.
Dial and starting transfer of TIFF-File /var/spool/hylafax/recvq/fax00146.tif with fine resolution.
Connection dropped with Reason 0x3400 (No additional information).
prod1:/etc/isdn #
But I can send fax from one line to the other on the same card, same server. I have DDI.
here is the output:
prod1:/etc/isdn # c2faxsend -vL -C /etc/config.faxCAPI -d 0491628722 -f TIFF /var/spool/hylafax/recvq/fax00146.tif
The config file is /etc/config.faxCAPI.
C4H-Version 01.03.00 (32Bit).
Try to connect to fax number 0491628722 in TIFF mode on controller 1.
Dial and starting transfer of TIFF-File /var/spool/hylafax/recvq/fax00146.tif with fine resolution.
Can’t create log file for incomming call!
CapiFaxRecv: Can’t create log file for incomming call!
SESSION BEGIN 000000000 +33.4.91503394
Incoming analog call on controller 1 from 491628722 to 8722.
Connection is droped with reason 0x3304 (Another application got that call).
Connection established.
StationID = +33 4 91503394
BaudRate = 64000
Flags = HighRes, MR_compr, MMR_compr
Page 1 was sent. - Last Page!
Fax file completely transfered to CAPI.
Connection established.
StationID = +33 4 91503394
BaudRate = 64000
Flags = HighRes, MMR_compr
Write fax in path /var/spool/hylafax/ to file recvq/fax00157.tif.
CFaxReceive::GetData: Overflow in SffFilter.
Page 1 was received. - Last Page!
Fax received and calling ‘/var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd “recvq/fax00157.tif” “faxCAPI” “000000000” “” “+33 4 91503394” “” “8722”’.
Connection dropped with Reason 0x3400 (No additional information).
prod1:/proc/capi/controllers # lsmod | grep capi
capi 21824 6
capifs 9992 2 capi
kernelcapi 50688 1 capi
prod1:/proc/capi/controllers #
Here is the output of capiinfo
prod1:/var/spool/capisuite/users # capiinfo
Number of Controllers : 1
Controller 1:
Manufacturer: AVM GmbH
CAPI Version: 2.0
Manufacturer Version: 3.11-07 (49.23)
Serial Number: 1000001
BChannels: 2
Global Options: 0x00000039
internal controller supported
DTMF supported
Supplementary Services supported
channel allocation supported (leased lines)
B1 protocols support: 0x4000011f
64 kbit/s with HDLC framing
64 kbit/s bit-transparent operation
V.110 asynconous operation with start/stop byte framing
V.110 synconous operation with HDLC framing
T.30 modem for fax group 3
Modem asyncronous operation with start/stop byte framing
B2 protocols support: 0x00000b1b
ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP)
LAPD with Q.921 for D channel X.25 (SAPI 16)
T.30 for fax group 3
ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP) with V.42bis compression
V.120 asyncronous mode
V.120 bit-transparent mode
B3 protocols support: 0x800000bf
T.90NL, T.70NL, T.90
ISO 8208 (X.25 DTE-DTE)
X.25 DCE
T.30 for fax group 3
T.30 for fax group 3 with extensions
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
01000001 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Supplementary services support: 0x000003ff
Hold / Retrieve
Terminal Portability
Call Forwarding
Call Deflection
Here is the config.Faxcapi file:
prod1:/etc/isdn # less /etc/config.faxCAPI
SpoolDir: /var/spool/hylafax
FaxRcvdCmd: /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd
SendFaxCmd: /usr/bin/c2faxsend
PollRcvdCmd: /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pollrcvd
FaxReceiveUser: fax
FaxReceiveGroup: uucp
#FaxReceiveGroup: dialout
LogFile: /var/spool/hylafax/log/capifax.log
LogTraceLevel: 4
LogFileMode: 0660
HylafaxDeviceName: faxCAPI
RecvFileMode: 0774
FAXNumber: +33.4.91503394
LocalIdentifier: “AVM CAPI4HylaFAX”
MaxConcurrentRecvs: 2
OutgoingController: 1
SuppressMSN: 0
NumberPlusReplacer: “00”
UseISDNFaxService: 0
RingingDuration: 1
----------- incoming params -----------
Controller: 1
AcceptSpeech: 0
UseDDI: 1
DDIOffset: “123456”
DDILength: 4
IncomingDDIs: 8720-8730
AcceptGlobalCall: 0