FreeNX unavailible?

Checking out VNC applications to remote from windows to Linux (Suse 11.0) and when I go to the Suse RPM download page, it is literally empty.

Anybody else see this? Does anyone know where else to get the download?

For those sort of questions I normaly start with

The result for freenx in 11.0 is:
This shows that it is in the normal OSS repo. Why are looking around the world?

If you want to vnc from Windows to Linux you can use a program like tightvnc : TightVNC: VNC-Based Free Remote Control Solution

Another option is to use Putty and Xming. With these two you can selectively pull application screens from Linux to Windows (using X forwarding), for some info : Xming & Putty - Manage Linux On Windows

Hope that helps,