FreeNX / nomachine NXclient -- keyboard problems

This thread (nxserver now broken?) has inspired me to install FreeNX and the client from nomachine on openSUSE-11.2 (this is the version used on both, server and client machine). The good news is: basically it works. I can connect and get the desktop.

However, I have some trouble with the keyboard. Up and Down arrow keys do not work. The up arrow triggers a screen snapshot. The down arrow key does nothing.

I tried to connect using qtnx as well. This does not work. Result is:

~> qtnx
Process started
stderr> Warning: Identity file id.key not accessible: No such file or directory.
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.

Entering the password does not help. It asks again for the password. Any ideas?

If you have /tmp and /var/lib on different filesystems and the TMPDIR variable is set, xkb might fail to recompile the keymap for the client (cross-linking error). To avoid this situation, I removed /tmp and created a symlink to /var/tmp on NX servers.
I also wrote the following alias:

alias kb=‘setxkbmap -v 10 -display $DISPLAY -geometry “pc(pc105)” -keycodes “evdev+aliases(qwerty)” -option ctrl:nocaps -option compose:rctrl’

And this is often the first thing I type on NX clients. It solves the Up and Down arrow keys problem.
Hope it helps.

Now I remember why I don’t use the FreeNX version from openSUSE repo (0.7.2-29.1), as I just installed (and deinstalled) it: only kde and gnome login work, and I don’t like to have one or the other of these monsters in a NX machine. With xdm login, it cannot initiate a X session (black screen). Notice that xdm doesn’t need to run on the server. (but even if it does, it doesn’t help). Version 0.7.3-5.1 of FreeNX doesn’t have that issue. While choosing xdm login, it will use the wm defined in the variable WINDOWMANAGER or WINDOW_MANAGER on the server (at least in my xinitrc and Xsession scripts). Nomachine NX displays the xdm login screen. FreeNX doesn’t.

Thank you. I will try your hints and report back. However, it may take a while.