I have looked through the first few pages of the feedback forum to see if anyone else has this problem, but I don’t seem to see any mention of it.
However, I’m not so certain it is a problem isolated to only me, so if anyone else has this problem, please kick your comments into this thread.
The forums keep locking up on me. I can go to the forums, sometimes read part of a thread, sometimes read one or two entire threads, but most often only get to read one page of a thread. When I click on the link to go to the next thread, the loading icon in the browser just keeps spinning endlessly but goes nowhere, most often with “waiting for opensuse.org” or “waiting for suse.com” showing in bottom left of the browser window.
At first, I thought this was some kind of Firefox bug … until I tried Chromium and had exactly the same results.
This happens:
With JavaScript on
With JavaScript off
Logged in
Not logged in
(actually, it is worse when logged in!)
Note that it never does go anywhere. I have walked away from the machine for a couple hours to do something else, and have come back to see nothing has changed.
I can stop it & refresh, still the same.
I can try a different link in the forums, still the same.
If I copy the link, close the browser, then launch the browser again and go to the same link, I get there instantly.
Also, if I right-click on the same link in Firefox & choose “Open link in a new Private Window”, I get there instantly.
If I do neither of those two things, I can browse no further on opensuse.org, including repository search or opensuse news.
This especially poses a very difficult and frustrating problem when trying to post a message while logged in. Nine times out of Ten (or perhaps even more often than that), the lockup occurs when I click on “Submit Post”. I have to close the browser, relaunch, log in again, click on the Reply link, and retype everything I had tried to post.
(Of course, I have quickly learned to type my message in a text file, or at least before hitting the submit button, select all the message body and copy it to a text file, so when I return I just paste and post. All this is a PIA with capital letters, naturally.)
I often have this same problem when trying to log in to the forums, so most of the time I browse the forums, I do so with JavaScript disabled and read the 2nd page of a thread by opening in a private window, then continue reading other threads.
If I find something I wish to comment on, I have to close the browser, relaunch it, turn Javascript back on, paste a copied link to where I was into the browser bar, then hit reply, which then prompts me to log in. At that point I get to write my message (or paste a failed message attempt) and sometimes can then post it.
After posting, I have to close and relaunch my browser, or browse again in a private window.
I have the same problem when trying to update my settings or my profile. Change one thing, hit save, close the browser, launch the browser, log back in, make the change again, hit save again, repeat until it finally decides to take.
All very frustrating, don’t you agree?
This happens in multiple browser versions, different machines, …
Is this a common problem? Makes it very difficult for me to participate.