Force Quit Extension Doesn't Work

The force quit extension doesn’t do anything when I click on it. The following user review was left:

 [Shished](     Works on 3.16 after editing metadata.json
 about a year ago

How do I edit this file and what do I change?

Gnome 3.16.2

Bump please.

The title of this reads:

Force Quit Extension Doesn’t Work

I guess that many people are like me. I have no idea what the “Force Quit Extension” is, nor even what it is an extension of.

And in general “it does not work” is the worst way to explain a problem.

Remember that nobody here can look over your shoulder or otherwise see/feel/guess what you are doing and seeing. So we depend upon your description. And that description is best proven by copied/pasted computer facts from a terminal CLI (when possible), or screenshots (can be done to

Also remember that a good problem description contains three things (no need to present them as numbered list, but the three things must be there in some way):

  1. what did you do;
  2. what did you expect to happen;
  3. what happened instead.

And of course a title that draws the attention of people knowing about the subject is important.

On Tue 07 Jun 2016 10:36:02 AM CDT, heidiheidi wrote:

Bump please.

It should work on 3.16 (the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/fq@megh/metadata.json is fixed)

You need to ensure xkill is installed (it’s not by default).

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.1|GNOME 3.16.2|4.1.21-14-default
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Thanks, works perfectly. IMHO, xkill should be included by default. Perhaps the update script can be modified to include this after installation?

Since extensions are in user space (eg your $HOME) it’s not possible… just a ‘remember to install’ thing…

A bit wierd xkill isn’t installed by default, like glxinfo, xdpyinfo, and other nice tools. Maybe somebody should open a bug report, so at least the developers see this issue.


Space on the images for the DVD’s, not part of the GNOME pattern, never used/missed it…

Yeah it is a tradeoff. It is just nice tools for any X environment to have.
