For some days now: NVIDIA repo

I get here for some days now:

sudo zypper dup
Refreshing service 'NVIDIA'.
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
Warning: File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'repo-non-free' is unsigned.

    Note: Signing data enables the recipient to verify that no modifications occurred after the data
    were signed. Accepting data with no, wrong or unknown signature can lead to a corrupted system
    and in extreme cases even to a system compromise.

    Note: File 'repomd.xml' is the repositories master index file. It ensures the integrity of the
    whole repo.

    Warning: We can't verify that no one meddled with this file, so it might not be trustworthy
    anymore! You should not continue unless you know it's safe.

File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'repo-non-free' is unsigned.
Continue? [yes/no] (no): 

with repos:

Configured Software Repositories
                                                                                                                                       All repositories▒▒▒↓ 
  │Priority     │Enabled│Autorefresh│Name              │Service │URL                                                                                      │ 
  │ 90          │   x   │     x     │packman           │        │                     │ 
  │ 92          │   x   │     x     │KDE:Unstable:Extra│        │   │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│   x   │     x     │repo-non-free     │NVIDIA  │                                          │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│   x   │     x     │repo-non-oss      │openSUSE│                                          │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│   x   │     x     │repo-openh264     │openSUSE│                                  │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│   x   │     x     │repo-oss          │openSUSE│                                              │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│       │     x     │repo-oss-debug    │openSUSE│                                        │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│       │     x     │repo-oss-source   │openSUSE│                                       │ 
  │ 99 (Default)│   x   │     x     │update-tumbleweed │openSUSE│*emphasized text*

I waited for some time now, normally this resolves over time, but this time it apparently persists…

Found this:

but not very helpful…

In browser I get

“Not found”

And now? …

What now? Lock the Nvidia packages temporarely so that you can upgrade your box until the repo issue is fixed. The reason for the issue was explained by Stefan.

If you have upgraded your box regularly there are also other ways which does not involve locking packages…updating only a defined set of packages as example.

How long does this company need to get there driver repo sorted out? It’s a joke, they are afloat in money, but can’t handle adequately some driver repo?

Should they bribe their provider?

You don’t “bribe” a provider. For service the correct term is “pay adequately”.

You are rerailing the discussion to a point the thread will be closed. I guess that’s your intent.


Do you have any link or report that Nvidia isn’t paying their provider adequately?

Nowadays it is normal that big companys don’t host their software in own datacenters. And it is completely normal that data centers have unexpected issues (fail of cooling systems, data breach, hardware fail, …).

If you would have a look into the service status of openSUSE you would notice how often something like this happens…

Btw, the Nvidia server is back and the content is already browsable again. Only the index issue still needs to be fixed as it seems so that zypper can upgrade the packages.

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@suse_rasputin I suggest you take a chill pill, it’s nothing to do with Nvidia, but the cdn network a third party provider. Note there where some cdn issues for openSUSE as well…