just install openSUSE Leap 15.4 (come from 15.3)
cinnamon version 4.6.7
linux kernel 5.14.21-150400.22-default
1- in 15.3 i was install “ttf-mscorefonts”, but find it under diffrent name in 15.4 “fetchmsttfonts”. is both the same?
2- after install the page find the facebook posts font change (small font), and when remove the package facebook font return OK.
i use firefox 91.11.0esr.
i try go to firefox setting -> General -> *Language and Appearance to change font and font size but it did not effect.
so could i install **fetchmsttfonts without effect on facebook?
3- is there’s some way to control “yast control center” fonts and size (how change the font and size)?
YaST2 is a QT application. To adjust its font sizes, try qt5ct, or edit font= in ~/.config/Trolltech.conf directly.
# zypper info fetchmsttfonts
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package fetchmsttfonts:
Repository : OSS
Name : fetchmsttfonts
Version : 12.0-bp154.1.19
Arch : noarch
Vendor : openSUSE
Installed Size : 22.6 KiB
Installed : No
Status : not installed
Source package : fetchmsttfonts-12.0-bp154.1.19.src
Upstream URL : https://corefonts.sourceforge.net/
Summary : Helper package to download Microsoft Core fonts for the Web
Description :
This package contains a helper script that downloads and installs
a number of TrueType fonts collectively known as corefonts, or the
Core fonts for the Web. Originally made available my Micosoft under
a non-free End-user licence agreement (EULA), they continue to be
distributed subject to the same licence terms. The user is shown
a copy of the licence text upon execution.
The Core fonts for the Web include: Arial, Arial Black, Andale Mono,
Monotype, Courier New, Comic Sans MS, Georgia, Impact, Times New
Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings.
Except for the version, fetchmsttfonts is the same in 15.3.
You have to set firefox settings to use the system fonts if you want your font to be used. That’s probably what you are looking for.
1- I try change the font size from Qt5 setting but yast did not effected (only Qt5 setting windows effected).
2- fetchmsttfonts package information in you case show “Repository : OSS” where in my case show “Repository : Main Repository”. any way as it same like 15.3 why when install it effect on facebook post fonts and when remove it every things back normal? is there’s some way to install “fetchmsttfonts package” prevent it from effect on firefox?
before install “fetchmsttfonts package” the facebook posts font size is good, just install the package facebook posts size change (be small).
i need the package to use it only with libreoffice, so is there’s some way for set “fetchmsttfonts package” to work(using) by libreoffice only and do not effect on any other app (firefox)?
They are two different names for the same repo. My repos have conveniently short names containing the string repo only once. OSS.repo on mine obviously goes by some different name on yours. What matters is the URI that goes with the name:
It’s kinda hard what your asking for.
It’s firefox that’s having a problem in your case right?
One thing to do, so those fonts don’t show smaller in firefox is to set the size of the minimum fonts in firefox fonts settings. like setting it to 12
I doubt that you already done that.