font size and CD/DVD player

I’m having trouble regulating the font size in message bars using OpenSuse 11 on my ASUS A3AC laptop.

Also cannot get my CD/DVD player to mount.

Anyone got any great ideas please?

Fonts are a very special and complex chapter in Linux. The default Linux fonts are, well, uhm, … Anyway, to have great fonts on a Linux laptop, you should import the Tahoma font (or another font of your liking) from a Windows system or from the Internet, recompile your font-rendering library, and adjust font sizes in KDE Control Center/Appearance and Themes/Fonts. For example, I have all fonts set to Tahoma 8, with the exception of Title bars which are set to Tahoma 10 Bold. Then, you must set your fonts for Konqueror and/or Firefox separately, and then again fonts in OpenOffice. It’s a lot of work, I’m afraid. Despite all this, I should warn you that, to a sharp eye, the fonts will never look as beautiful as in Windows. For example, the Tahoma 8 letter “k” has an unnaturally thin upper diagonal line (not so in Windows). I must admit Gnome has far better font appearance/rendering than KDE. Unfortunately, that’s also the only thing that’s better in Gnome than in Kde:P
As for your CD mounting problem, I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by “not being able to mount it” exactly…