Folder Permition and Wine

Hello, its me again :)… So far I’m loving the 11.2 experience, after a few problems here and there I have now come to another issue.

I have installed wine and I wanted to play World of Warcraft, I successfully got my wow running on wine perfect. Only one problem, the only way to access to my wow folder is throu “root”. I guess my question is:

How can I change the permisions on my wow folder and to stay like that for ever, I change it on root but it allways comes back to “Permition denied”, and I have to “su” into the folder…

Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys. :slight_smile:

Where exactly is the folder located. Because all games under wine should only be in .wine
Which is user owned

Thats exaclty what i thou aswell, my game is on something like “.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft”, I went and change the permissions with root, then when i get to my user and run it once, the permissions gets all screwd up :frowning: and i cant access the folrder anymore :frowning:

Try this:
With Dolphin Super User Mode
Navigate to the folder and right click - Properties
In the Box - Find the Permissions Tab
Change everything to ‘Can View and Modify’
Check the box at the bottom ‘Apply to all sub-folders and contents’
OK it

i have allready done that, but when i run wine it changes it again to restricted :(…

Are you sure you did it with the super user dolphin?

well, I logged on with “root” on my user selection screen instead of my user name, but then i never open “Dophin” on root, I assumed that once logged as root I allready have dolphin in su mode :|… Comfirm please. And thank you.

OK. Never do that.
Just login as user
Go to the menu and in the search box type dolphin
You should see super user dolphin appear.

If it still doesn’t work - open a su terminal and do this

chmod 777 /.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 19:36:02 GMT, caf4926
<> wrote:

>neowesa;2070509 Wrote:
>> well,
>> *I_logged_on_with"root"on_my_user_selection_screen_instead_of_my_user_name*,
>> but then i never open “Dophin” on root, I assumed that once logged as
>> root I allready have dolphin in su mode :|… Comfirm please. And thank
>> you.
>OK. Never do that.
>Just login as user
>Go to the menu and in the search box type dolphin
>You should see super user dolphin appear.
>If it still doesn’t work - open a su terminal and do this
> chmod 777 /.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft

The problem may not be mode but ownership. If the system thinks root
owns the files instead of the user it causes real trouble.