Hello, its me again :)… So far I’m loving the 11.2 experience, after a few problems here and there I have now come to another issue.
I have installed wine and I wanted to play World of Warcraft, I successfully got my wow running on wine perfect. Only one problem, the only way to access to my wow folder is throu “root”. I guess my question is:
How can I change the permisions on my wow folder and to stay like that for ever, I change it on root but it allways comes back to “Permition denied”, and I have to “su” into the folder…
Thats exaclty what i thou aswell, my game is on something like “.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft”, I went and change the permissions with root, then when i get to my user and run it once, the permissions gets all screwd up and i cant access the folrder anymore
Try this:
With Dolphin Super User Mode
Navigate to the folder and right click - Properties
In the Box - Find the Permissions Tab
Change everything to ‘Can View and Modify’
Check the box at the bottom ‘Apply to all sub-folders and contents’
OK it
well, I logged on with “root” on my user selection screen instead of my user name, but then i never open “Dophin” on root, I assumed that once logged as root I allready have dolphin in su mode :|… Comfirm please. And thank you.
>neowesa;2070509 Wrote:
>> well,
>> *I_logged_on_with"root"on_my_user_selection_screen_instead_of_my_user_name*,
>> but then i never open “Dophin” on root, I assumed that once logged as
>> root I allready have dolphin in su mode :|… Comfirm please. And thank
>> you.
>OK. Never do that.
>Just login as user
>Go to the menu and in the search box type dolphin
>You should see super user dolphin appear.
>If it still doesn’t work - open a su terminal and do this
> chmod 777 /.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft
The problem may not be mode but ownership. If the system thinks root
owns the files instead of the user it causes real trouble.