Flatpak or snap, or both?

Installation installs (zypper) Firefox Browser

Any clash between flatpak and/or snap ?

Self had forgotten about snap, then installed flatpak, so at moment both installed.

Does using flatpak and/or snap (Firefox versions) need uninstall the (zypper) installed Firefox ?

Each of these methods installs in a separate location - no conflicts should exist from a package standpoint.

You may find that the configuration files are shared, which I imagine could cause issues if the versions are different (new functionality in config files that isn’t supported in an older version, for example). Haven’t heard of any issues with that, but it’s something to be aware of as a possibility.

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Firefox settings are stored in profiles.
If you will use different profiles for different installations - then they will coexist.
I’m using Firefox + Firefox ESR from openSUSE’s Mozilla repo, ant they work OK.
Another possibility - use tar from Mozilla.

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The native FF install will not interfere with a FlatPak install … the user configs are in different sub-directory locations.

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Flatpak,never snap


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