Flatpak is taking up space of my root partition

The /var/lib/flatpak directory is using up 12.0 GiB of storage. Quite a lot. Is there any way that I can relocate the flatpak apps inside of there into my home directory, or do anything to decrease the size it’s taking up (besides uninstalling flatpak apps)

If the computer or at least the softwares installed through flatpak are used only by your user, you can install them as user and they will sit in user home directory (/home//.local/share/flatpak/).

To add the Flathub as user, run this command: flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub-user https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Now, when installing software, you will have a new “Flathub (user)” option in Discover (top right corner).


Ohhhhh, THAT’S what the (user) installation option meant. I thought it was a user submitted flathub file so I always picked the normal Flathub option. Thank you so much for this information. Wow.

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I’m glad to help.

Hi @ionlypostwhenineedhelp

I also use Flatpak and I have a further idea.

I install Flatpaks by system, not by user. But I do have subfolders in /home/<user>/.var/app/ from all Flatpak apps that I ever have used. Currently, it sums up to 1,2 GB. That’s why I now and then clean up the subfolders there (subfolders of apps not in use any more…).

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