9 Jan 13, update – installed Hal, Amazon movie site message was, Player Crashed. Hmm! Reinstall flash player, conflict with older version which I uninstalled. Then, fresh new flash player installation and still no go. Uninstall Hal, try again, same as before when trying to play the movie. Updating flash player, then, zip. Zilch. Mind you, at no time did any of this affect videos on YouTube. Each time, they ran fine.
Neither of my current versions of openSuSE, that is, 11.4 or 12.2 will run that movie. Neither would various other Linux distros I tried. But one – Mandriva 2010.1 does! Problem there is, wrong video resolution for my new wide screen monitor. So sorry!
Several weeks of various frustrations, trial and error, waiting to D/L distros, install, update only to get the same basic results. Nothing. My dear wife asked, why bother? Indeed! The challenge of trying to make it work, I guess. Too many years of installing nVidia drivers, kernel sources, configuring Linux systems. I’m tired of it all. Linuxmint installed things automatically, configured the system well. Very nice. But for that one exception. No flash in Amazon.
So I guess when I get that craving, I launch XP and watch my movie. Then, reboot to Linux. Nuts! Google Chrome would not do it, either! Zippedi-doodah!
I want to say thanks to all those who bothered reading my thread, commenting and offering suggestions. Thank you, all! I’ll stick with open SuSE 11.4 for now, it offers a lovely version of TiMidity, another of my favorite utilities and I have collected hundreds of midis over the years. Nice sound when installing the EAWPATS sound patch files. Realistic! Use an external amp for additional speakers, kick back, sip the magical amber liquid and laugh. Life goes on!
Thank you again for bothering. I’m done. Cheers! Happy New Year!