Flash Plugin, nothing really works..

Hi all.

Everything has been great, since I tried to do some crazy stuff with my laptop - get up to 10 operating systems installed and running. Anyways, I recently found out that I had to reinstall openSUSE, which seemed fine with me, since I haven’t done much with it, so I could restore my settings and everything in less than an hour. I encountered an issue I had never before though. My flash plugin for Swiftfox does not work. No matter what I try, It just keep on not working … Here’s the things I’ve done so far, so if you people have any suggestions, make sure they’re not listed below:

1.)Like most of us would do, since Swiftfox prompts you to download the plugin from adobe.com, I downloaded the .rmp since it’s was supposed to be just a simple YaST installation. I installed it, restarted firefox, and it still did not work.

2.)Since the top one did not work, I tried looking up for a solution and found one on the forum, which made me install the plug in manually in another directory, different that the default one, and then create a link to that file in /usr/lib/browser-plugins/… Well that did not work as well. I got really upset since it had already taken me about 20 minutes without a solution.

  1. I downloaded the .deb from adobe.com and, using alien, turned it into an .rmp, which when I looked into it, it’s really exactly the same as the .rmp downloaded from adobe.com, Anyways, When I tried to install, It reminded me that I already have it installed(DUH!) so I uninstalled it real quick and re-installed it using the .rmp generated from the .deb . Well, still did not work.

  2. Downloaded the tar.gz from adobe.com, extracted it, and copied libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/browser-plugins/, which is … really the same thing that I’ve been doing for the … last … half an hour. Anyways… That, of course, did not work. The interesting part about this is that, in the extracted folder from the tar.gz from adobe.com, there is an .sh installer. I tried to run it, but I won’t let me since:

ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the Adobe Flash Player installer.

So that makes me think that there’s a problem because of the fact that I have a 64-bit version of Swiftfox.


I tried a lot of things, none of them worked. If any of you have any suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated. One thing, that is common for all the “try-outs” in installing the plugin is that, it never appeared in my Tools/Add-Ons/Plugins bar.
Thank you all for reading this post and for the time spent.

//Cheers, Alek.

You might be right about that. The openSUSE Firefox uses a wrapper called nspluginwrapper that allows 32-bit plugins to work with the 64-bit browser.

Things you could try:

You could see how to use that wrapper library with Swiftfox. I don’t know if the Firefox has to be specially built to use the wrapper. If so that would rule out this approach.

You could get the alpha 64-bit Flash plugin from Adobe (sorry, don’t have link handy).

You could use the 32-bit Swiftfox, but I assume this would cancel any gains from using Swiftfox.

Just out of interest, is the performance advantage of Swiftfox that good that it’s worth the hassle not using the openSUSE Firefox? Or are there more features or what? Just curious, no intention of switching.

If you decide to try the nspluginwrapper, download the ‘plugin’ and the ‘viewer’:
nspluginwrapper [Web > Gwenole Beauchesne]

then try this command:

su nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so 

There seem to be many posts about 64bit architecture’s and getting flash up and running (though mostly with firefox) here’s one of mine: nspluginwrapper for firefox 3, 64bit – no flash - openSUSE Forums But like the previous poster, I don’t know if/how that works with Swiftfox.

Thanks for the reply, I’m at school on a mac right now. To answer the last question, swiftfox is really just a Firefox, that is well configured to get you max performance. It’s light, loads in about 0.4 seconds(on my laptop) + if you follow my guide The fastest browser (Konqueror goes in the garbage can.) - openSUSE Forums , which is really just basic steps that makes it even better. It typically acts just like a firefox. You can do anything you do with a firefox.

To Roidemai: Thanks for the reply man, I see you have developed that threat. I’ll take a look at it later.

If you’re using 64 bit openSUSE, and you want to install the 64 bit (alpha) Adobe flash player, you need to install libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib64/browser-plugins. You said you downloaded the rpm, which isn’t the 64 bit version.

By default, openSUSE 11.1 64 bit uses the 32bit flashplayer with the nspluginwrapper. It links the 32 bit libflashplayer.so from /usr/lib/browser-plugins to /usr/lib64/browser-plugins.

If you’re going to use the 64 bit flash player, you need to remove the links to the 32 bit version from /usr/lib64. Presently, the 64 bit flash player is only available as a tar.gz file.

If i’d be using the 64 bit alpha flash plugin (which i do) placed in browser-plugins i would also uninstall nspluginwrapper since one or two times it tried to actually “wrap” native 64 bit plugins :slight_smile:

How to find the plugin??

Download it from here


Thank you all for the suggestions, I’m away from home right now and my laptop is not with me. It will last about a week. I’m sorry for any inconvenience. I’ll try everything out as soon as I can. I’ll be back with results.

Again, Thank you all. Appreciate it.

When I try what you suggested: Using nspluginwrapper … Here’s what I get on at install :

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: Failed dependencies:
	nspluginwrapper-i386 = 1.2.2-1 is needed by nspluginwrapper-1.2.2-1.x86_64

Which makes me think, Since I have installed the package provided from YaST, that I already have 64-bit, but then when I got to install the viewer:

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: 	file /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/libnoxshm.so from install of nspluginwrapper-i386-1.2.2-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nspluginwrapper-1.0.0-14.3.x86_64
	file /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/libxpcom.so from install of nspluginwrapper-i386-1.2.2-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nspluginwrapper-1.0.0-14.3.x86_64
	file /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin from install of nspluginwrapper-i386-1.2.2-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nspluginwrapper

… Does not make much sense, eh?