Flash plugin connectivity

I have had problems with the Firefox flash plugin being fully connected to certain web sites:

Draft Client Test Connection - NFL.com - Free Fantasy Football

Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football

Draft Compatibility Test - Free Fantasy Football - ESPN

I use a wired/wireless router which when bypassed solves the problem. I was able to use the router successfully in Fedora 13 by adding a DNS address to the eth0 device with the Network Manager IPV4 settings.

[SOLVED] Flash and Fantasy sports - FedoraForum.org](http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=248202)

I’m not sure how to accomplish this with openSUSE 11.3. Can anyone help speed my learning curve?

In the absence of any further info, looking at your response in the fedora forum, it looks like you need to set up your router/networking to give a valid dns server address.

Exactly! I think my router gets an address from my ISP but does not pass it along to the DHCP Client list. When I added it to the IPV4 settings of my network device in Fedora the sites would connect.
My question is what the best way to do the same in openSUSE?

Iwas using ifup for my network connection. When I switched to Network manager, I was able to edit my settings successfully. Thanks for timely response.