Flash-player & flash-player-kde4 removed after zypper dup!


This morning I did a “zypper up” and there were some 900 packages upgraded or installed, including some downgraded. Just a few minutes ago, I saw on the forum that some members “zypper dupped” to effect official 42.1 release.

I then did the same thing. The terminal shows both flash-player and flash-player-kde4 are removed.

Using Firefox, I can no longer see flash videos in cnn.com or bbcnews.com.uk.

CNN video page shows " video or MIME format not supported"

BBC video page shows " you must download and install flash player to watch content"

Please show me how I can watch the videos on these sites, because I no longer can re-install these 2 packages. Thanks a lot for your help.


They have remove flash from Leap and Tumbleweed. Apparently this is due to use restrictions imposed by Adobe.

There’s a discussion on the factory mailing list.

My own plans for dealing with this:

I’ll keep 32.1 around for a while, as a fall back option.

I’m installing “chromium”. When the packman repo is up, I’ll see if chromium-pepper-flash is still available. And there’s also a “fresh-player” or similar name that makes this available to firefox.

If the worst comes to the worst, I’ll have to use Windows for the very few sites where I need flash.

you can still get an rpm from adobe
as Leap is 64bit only a simple install would be

zypper in https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/flash-plugin-

edit I think packman hosts flash too (I know packman has peper-flash not sure about regular flash)

Thank you I_A. Your suggestion does work for Firefox.

How do I get Packman repo for Leap? I just installed Chromium, but forgot the URL for Packman.

packman for leap isn’t out yet
I’ve been using the sle12 repo as the closest compatible distro
but I’d still wait a few days for leap’s repo
if you need multimedia try sle’s packages they do seam to run (tried xine and vlc)

zypper ar -f http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/packman/suse/SLE_12/ packman-sle12

then you’d need to dup to that repo
note there is a missing multimedia package a cd library libcdio14 but you can ignore that warning for the time being

I was just browsing packman looking for leap and it seams packman essentials is out
it does have chromium-ffmpeg and pepper-flash, it has vlc and ffmpeg but no xine, to add it just do

zypper ar -f -n http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/Essentials/x86_64/ packman-essentials 

the rest of packman will be probably out soon

I did a bad copy/paste of the Leap essentials URL, should be

zypper ar -f -n http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/Essentials/ packman-essentials

but note in the above URL currently there is no repodata dir so the above will not work till packman adds the repodata it should be soon

As mentioned in the Factory mailing list, you can install freshlpayerplugin to play Flash in Firefox. I can confirm this works even without the Packman repo.

freshlpayerplugin needs pepper-flash and that only comes from packman
I’ve found freshlpayerplugin buggy on firefox I use to use it now I avoid it.


I was trying this the other day instead of the 42.1 packman repo that was out few weeks ago, in hopes to avoid the double window interface issue with VLC player and it didn’t seem to work (remove double window interface issue) either. Got errors trying to install VLC player and VLC Codecs as well, about something missing or broken… So I avoided that route.


When I open the movie in VLC, it opens TWO windows not just one window. The main interface window with volume, counter/timer, top menu, etc that normally has movie playing in, and then another window that has movie playing in it. The interface option is selected for video to play in main interface window too (“Integrate video into interface”). So I have two windows independent, can both be maximized or minimized… If I want to pause movie, I have to maximize left window pane with controls to pause it / video in the right window. Unless I have the video window maximized and have controls at bottom panel.

Also noticed the flash issues, but here it was the extension “NoScript”, and choosing “Allow all from this page” left videos play in pern sites… Lol. But I did “zypper in flash-player” or whatever, apparently started installing Chromium and few other things… I gotta have ability to use flash, for various sites; facebook, pern sites, etc…

I tried to install Flash player manually for Firefox, but got the following error message:

failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/lib64/browser-plugins/libflashplayer.so’: File exists

Do I really need to create this symbolic link? I can now watch videos with sight and sound.

When I open the movie in VLC, it opens TWO windows not just one window. The main interface window with volume, counter/timer, top menu, etc that normally has movie playing in, and then another window that has movie playing in it.

Good grief I’ve just seen the two window effect with smplayer.

What’s causing that?


about the extra window when playing video’s
I have the dual window effect with vlc I thought it was a config bug but seeing how the vlc I’m using is for sle12 not opensuse leap I’m thinking I’ll wait for the proper release before doing anything, yeap the repodata was added so packman esentials should be working (I’ll test tomorrow)

failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/lib64/browser-plugins/libflashplayer.so’: File exists

well delete that file
sudo rm /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/libflashplayer.so
it was probably leftover from the previous flash installation and the uninstall script didn’t delete it.
but I’d still prefer flash from an opensuse repo as it will be updated.
ps you can copy the flash plugin to .mozilla/firefox/…/plugin
see Profile folder - Firefox - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
you’d need the gziped version of the plugin

yeah, i tried deleting the vlc config file too, and didn’t change it. i then tried “custom skin” and it worked playing the video in main interface, but then the buttons were half hidden behind taskbar below… Lol. I guess I’ll just wait 4 or 5 days until Leap is released and wait on official packman and other repos as well, see if there’s any difference.

That’s amusing to read it in the thread dedicated to removal of flash from openSUSE repo … :slight_smile:

And what prevents you from updating it manually? You can also configure Adobe repository directly, see http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2015-10/msg01178.html.

This morning, I noticed that regular flash is on packman for 13.2. So I presume it will be there for Leap, when the repos are up.

What a great community we have, that flash appears on packman almost as soon as it is decided to no longer provide it in the opensuse repos.


I found that Packman repo is now available (see link below), so I just added it to my list of repos and installed chromium-pepper-flash for Chromium browser.


I did not see flashplayer-plugin yet in the X86_64 Sub-directory. I only saw “freshplayerplugin”, but am not sure whether this package will work.



All of packman not just essentials but multimedia and games are out for Leap
**only pepper flash no regular flash for the time being.
and the dual vlc window is still there, I’m thinking it’s not a bug but a temporary fix for the vlc qt5 bug


packman added the extra repository for Leap and it includes regular flash