Running Linux x86_64 11.1 - 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2) “release 111”
With Firefox 5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032600 SUSE/3.0.8-1.1.1 Firefox/3.0.8
Just got Flash working last week following the directions here : Flash Player 10 HELP! No you-tube/videos - Page 2 - openSUSE Forums
Today the new version of nspluginwrapper (1.0.0-14.3-x86_64) got updated and I lost sound in Flash. Have been removing/updating packages all morning trying to get it working again with no luck.
My sound works with other applications.
Currently installed from Yast2:
flash ( Main Update Repo ) <- Is this the correct one?did not see a 64bit
nspluginwrapper (1.0.0-14.3-x86_64)
& installed unzipped and placed in /usr/lib64/browserplugins ( downloaded from adobe’s site)
Libflashsupport & libflashsupport-32bit are not installed ( when flash was working previously they were not installed) Did try with them installed today but no luck.
Also firefox was acting really slow I reinstalled it and its faster, but lags just a bit longer than it did before flash stopped working.
Is there a package missing or trick to updating? Appreciate any help.
Some steps to take.
Try a browser like Opera, see if it works - If it does, then the issue is likely FF related - In which case, try a new .mozilla folder by renaming the current one .mozilla_old
> These are the errors I get when I launch firefox from terminal
> *** nss-shared-helper: Shared database disabled (set NSS_USE_SHARED_DB
> to enable).
> ERROR: object ‘/usr/lib64/libv4l/’ from
> /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
> ERROR: object ‘/usr/lib64/libv4l/’ from
> /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
> (npviewer.bin:6200): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_detach: assertion
> `style->attach_count > 0’ failed
I had the same problem and used the same solution - install the x64 version
of Flash. What I missed was uninstalling the old 32-bit flash version and
plugin first then manually erasing the 32-bit libflash??.so from the
npwrapper directory - can’t remember exactly where it was but it was either
in the /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 path - AIR the Adobe web page mentioned it or
one of the community.openSUSE pages talked about installing the 64-bit beta
Flash. Also, in you ~/.moxilla/firefox directory delete the plugins.dat
file - that will rebuild on the next startup.
Now open Firefox and go to the url about:plugins and see where flash is
pointed. All the above chnged mine to point straight to the libflash??.so
from the 64-bit beta and all was well with sound again.
Thanks Will. I uninstalled the 32bit flash via Yast uninstalled the nspluginwrapper, and deleted the plugins.dat from the firefox folder. Rebooted. Put the latest 64bit in the /usr/lib64/browserplugins folder and installed the 64bit nspluginwraper. It works again. I appreciate the help in troubleshooting. I thought something from flash needed to be installed via yast since you had to click on the agreement for flash. Looking now I Can’t beleive it was that easy. I think it may have had something to do with the plugins.dat. I installed Opera ( thanks caf4926 didn’t think of that) and at first it would work for a bit then crash, but I did get sound before it did. When I first tried installing flash I was double checking with Konqueror and the results were the same as firefox (no sound).
Open Konqueror, go to settings, configure, plugins and do a search. That’s what I did and it found the Netsacpe plugin I installed and my sound started working. It didn’t work before I tried that but now sound on works fine. I hope that helps. I also went to Alsa using OSS and OSS wrap on Alsa.
Hi. I’m not using the OpenSUSE distro but I am a beginner and I’ve seen this thread in my search results many times so I figured I’d comment as I’ve had the exact same problem on Kubuntu’s x64 end using the Konquerer browser… and then Mozilla. After installing Mozilla and with great disdain no sound was produced from the flash videos from youtube I decided to check my sound mixer. Lo and Behold the PCM equalizer bar was all the way down and that is what prevented me from hearing anything and having so much frustration. I hope this helps some poor soul no matter what distro he/she/it’s on! CHECK YOUR EQUALIZERS! LOL IM SO HAPPY!