Flash and OpenSUSE 11.2 64-bits (AGAIN)

I had to reinstall my OpenSUSE 11.2 64-bit system from scratch and I get pretty much everything to work again, except for Flash. It did work on my previous install and I went back to the forum instructions to do so but something is amiss. I also could not go to 11.3 because some critical proprietary software that shall remain unnamed :wink: is not compatible. The main difference as far as I know is that this install is completely up to date and I did so before installing anything else.

Going to Yast to install Flash it seems like it wants to downgrade hundreds of packages, so I am highly suspicious. The claimed problem is:

flash-player- requires libcairo.so.2…

and it gives me the option of simultaneously downgrading lots (over 100 packages)…

Any ideas? It seems like I would need a 64-bit version but Yast does not offer one… Maybe I my
repos are wrong?

Thank you in advance,

Flash Player In Mozilla Firefox 64-bit

I found this. I run 11.3 and I have had no problems with Flash in 64-bit. But I don’t know what other software you were referring to.

Yeah, I did find it too. The issue is that the moment I select gtk2-32-bits as the the instructions, it asks me to downgrade 100s of packages with the same reason as I stated… something about libcairo.

Looks like there is a brand-new (4 days old) solution from Adobe.
This is almost too easy, get the Linux 64-bit file from:


Decompress the file there and you’ll get just one file called ‘libflashplayer.so’
Copy it to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins and you are done, restart your browsers and you’re done!

NOTE: This is a stand-alone file and does not update itself.

  • Itai