Firewalld - Ports - /etc/services

If you make your own /etc/services files by modifying and/or add new ports. Applications are supposed uses theses ports ( from my /etc/services ).
My /etc/services Examples

ftp                21/sctp      # FTP  [Randall_Stewart] [RFC4960]
ssh                22/sctp      # SSH  [Randall_Stewart] [RFC4960]
#ssh                   22/tcp       # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]
#ssh                   22/udp       # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]
#telnet                23/tcp      # Telnet  [Jon_Postel] [RFC854]
#telnet                23/udp      # Telnet  [Jon_Postel] [RFC854]
#                  24/tcp       any private mail system  [Rick_Adams]
ssh             12345/tcp       # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]
ssh             12345/udp       # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]
telnet          23456/tcp       # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]
telnet          23456/udp       # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol  [RFC4251]

I may connect with ssh from my computer to myself on the same computer.
But I was not able to connect from another computer on the local network.
(No change in the initial configuration of firewalld)
I have to add the port manually

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=12345/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=12345/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

A reboot was necessary ??

Any comments are welcome.

“/etc/services” is of limited use. It cannot be trusted and few services use it actively.

The listening IP addresses and ports for sshd are defined in “/etc/ssh/sshd_config”.

After modifying “/etc/ssh/sshd_config” restart sshd.

# systemctl restart sshd

Firewalld enables you to change running and permanent rules.

You’ve completely misunderstood what /etc/services file is - it’s simply a list of services that may be used on the computer, a sort of a catalogue that applications can use to lookup what service might be running on a port.

Changing the numbers on this file does not activate, move or otherwise manipulate any services and you should not change this file at all apart from very explicit situations.

Thank you every body for helping