If you make your own /etc/services files by modifying and/or add new ports. Applications are supposed uses theses ports ( from my /etc/services ).
My /etc/services Examples
ftp 21/sctp # FTP [Randall_Stewart] [RFC4960]
ssh 22/sctp # SSH [Randall_Stewart] [RFC4960]
#ssh 22/tcp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
#ssh 22/udp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
#telnet 23/tcp # Telnet [Jon_Postel] [RFC854]
#telnet 23/udp # Telnet [Jon_Postel] [RFC854]
# 24/tcp any private mail system [Rick_Adams]
ssh 12345/tcp # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
ssh 12345/udp # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
telnet 23456/tcp # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
telnet 23456/udp # [JCD] - The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol [RFC4251]
I may connect with ssh from my computer to myself on the same computer.
But I was not able to connect from another computer on the local network.
(No change in the initial configuration of firewalld)
I have to add the port manually
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=12345/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=12345/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
A reboot was necessary ??
Any comments are welcome.