Hi there,
I did a fresh server installation with mostly default values (other own partitioning with extra var, usr, var/log and other which are required by CIS or otherwise recommended on ext4 as opensuse runs as a virtual machine on ZFS, selinux instead apparmor but in permissive mode) and also added network config (static). I had internet connection and added the normal online repos but not backports as I want stable servers. After installation there is no network, the yast fails to read firewall rules and systemctl status firewalld gets me the following errors:
opensuse systemd[1]: Dependency failed for firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
opensuse systemd[1]: firewalld.service: Job firewalld.service/start failed with result 'dependency'
Just before installation I got the results of the settings and wicked was used instead of network manager. By google I found that when using static IP wicked is better. Also choosed this as this was default. I know RHEL from work but like the way opensuse goes more so I am on switching my virtual machines to it right now. At least I try.
Now I thought yast and installer will take care at least with standard installation. No gui is installed. I need a bit help to debug it. I googled the internet and this forum but haven’t found anything.
Firewalld package is installed. Which dependency?
Any help is much appreciated.
Kind regards,