firewalld after server installation failing to start

Hi there,

I did a fresh server installation with mostly default values (other own partitioning with extra var, usr, var/log and other which are required by CIS or otherwise recommended on ext4 as opensuse runs as a virtual machine on ZFS, selinux instead apparmor but in permissive mode) and also added network config (static). I had internet connection and added the normal online repos but not backports as I want stable servers. After installation there is no network, the yast fails to read firewall rules and systemctl status firewalld gets me the following errors:

opensuse systemd[1]: Dependency failed for firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
opensuse systemd[1]: firewalld.service: Job firewalld.service/start failed with result 'dependency'

Just before installation I got the results of the settings and wicked was used instead of network manager. By google I found that when using static IP wicked is better. Also choosed this as this was default. I know RHEL from work but like the way opensuse goes more so I am on switching my virtual machines to it right now. At least I try.

Now I thought yast and installer will take care at least with standard installation. No gui is installed. I need a bit help to debug it. I googled the internet and this forum but haven’t found anything.

Firewalld package is installed. Which dependency?

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Well nevermind. Tried different options now and the reason is the use of selinux (even in permissive mode). Don’t know what the installer or yast is making but I’ll stick with apparmor instead. New things to learn. :nerd: