I am working on getting samba running on Open SuSE Linux 11.1. Wehn going into YAST and then Security and Users, and then firewall, I then enter into the broadcasts section. I then add an entry, and for the network address 0/0 is entered in the input field automatically. The address of 0/0 does work but have been told to use an address of something like: to make things more secure. But when I do, I can not go into Network Browsing, then SMB shares, and see Workgroup displayed. When 0/0 is entered in the network address, I do. So, what is wrong with the address of 192.168.0/24?
Puzzled – to you have a typo in one of the IPs? Are you using 192.168.0/24 or And can you postr the output you get from this command in a console window:
I tried re-entering the address again, and this time it works. I must have done a typeo of 192.168.0/24 where I now have, and it works, of Will see if it persists tomorrow.