Just install opensuse 11.4 64bit version
Firefox goes very slow like in previous versions where you had to disable ipv6.
I did that but it made no difference, it still takes about a minute
to view a page. Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?
On 08/11/2011 06:46 AM, Subzero01 wrote:
> had to disable ipv6.
> I did that but it made no difference
maybe you didn’t take all the steps needed to disable IPv6 in 11.4 (the
steps needed have changed along the way), do all of these:
try turning off IPv6 in the system by adding
as a boot option at the end of the kernel line used for normal boot in
/boot/grub/menu.lst (you can do that in YaST > System > Boot Loader >
Edit by adding the comment to the “Optional Kernel Command Line
Parameter” line [see http://paste.opensuse.org/87536516], or you can add
it directly to menu.lst with a root powered file editor, carefully)
in firefox (worked in FF versions 3, 4 and 5) type:
in the address bar, press enter then search for
disable ipv6
Double click to set value to true if currently set to false.
finally, you may not see any change at all until after a reboot…
if using KDE, in yast /etc/sysconfig editor -> desktop set
KDE_USE_IPV6 to no