Firefox Vulnerabilities CVE-2015-7201 ff.

Where can I find information on whether LEAP 42.1 is affected by any of the following vulnerabilities?

              [CVE-2015-7201](                  [CVE-2015-7202](                  [CVE-2015-7203](                  [CVE-2015-7204](                  [CVE-2015-7205](                  [CVE-2015-7207](                  [CVE-2015-7208](                  [CVE-2015-7210](                  [CVE-2015-7211](                  [CVE-2015-7212](                  [CVE-2015-7213](                  [CVE-2015-7214](                  [CVE-2015-7215](                  [CVE-2015-7216](                  [CVE-2015-7217](                  [CVE-2015-7218](                  [CVE-2015-7219](                  [CVE-2015-7220](                  [CVE-2015-7221](                  [CVE-2015-7222](                  [CVE-2015-7223](          

I could not find a matching security advisory.

Firefox is still at version 42.0 in LEAP 42.1 at this time. So it appears that it might be vulnerable.************

In the package changelogs.

rpm -q --changelog MozillaFirefox

Or use the “Changelog” tab in YaST->Software Management.

Firefox is still at version 42.0 in LEAP 42.1 at this time. So it appears that it might be vulnerable.

Yes, we do not backport Firefox security fixes.
But the latest Firefox version will always be released as official update for all supported openSUSE versions.
An update to 43 is running and should be released in the next days: