Firefox taskbar problem (and gnome panl)

Since about 3 or 4 days i’m encountering weird problem. When i start firefox (no matter what version, i tried 3.0.5 and 3.0.6) it starts without a taskbar and covering gnome panel? I can fix it by F11 hitting it twice but i wonder how to fix it permanently.

P.S. As i said i tried downgrading but it didn’t work so now i wonder if it is some settings (which i didn’t change for months). Any help from someone would be highly appreciated

Close (quit) firefox, open a terminal and type:

find . -name localstore.rdf

You’ll receive an output like this:
(Obviously you’ll have something different from qwertyu3)

Now type (according to your output):

rm ./.mozilla/firefox/qwertyu3.default/localstore.rdf

Restart firefox. Hope this will solve the problem (you won’t lose bookmarks, add-ons and preferences, but the toolbar will be resetted)

Hmm i tried it, it didn’t improve the situation. The difference is that before that firefox started maximised so full width and height of the monitor without panel and taskbar. Now it starts like 2/3 of the width with no taskbar and with panel (but i got that before that solution too in some cases).

P.S. Now that is the silliest solution i’ve ever seen (not yours), just the actual solution which is to click maximise in the window list on the firefox opened window now everything is fine??!! Now there must be some BUG but how to debug it now??