Firefox selection void after paste

When I paste a text selection from a Firefox page into a text field in the page, the selection becomes void. This behavior does not make sense to me.

sorry, i do not understand your problem…can you try again…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Copying and inserting texts is even easier in Linux: to copy a text to the clipboard, just select the text with the mouse then move the mouse cursor to the position to which to insert the text. Click the middle (or wheel) button on the mouse to insert the text (on a two-button mouse, press both mouse buttons simultaneously).

I did not understand why the selection stops being marked when I paste into a text input field within a Web page. OTOH, it remains marked when I paste into another page, or into an input box that belongs to the Firefox window itself.
As an afterthought, it seems that pasting sets the insertion point, which is a special kind of selection. Since there is only one selection per page, the previous selection must go.
I would rather expect that pasting should not set the insertion point, but that is my personal preference of course. In Akgregator, for example, pasting does not affect the selected area.

I’m still not sure what you want but or which desktop you use???

If KDE there are many ways to setup the Klipper (copy and paste app). Right click the clipboard looking icon and select configure. Maybe you can find what you want there.

I am using KDE but this occurs under Gnome as well.

Imagine the following page, selection marked with brackets:

An old [brown fox] is jumping over a lazy dog.
Text box: ____________________

When I paste into the text box, I get:

An old brown fox is jumping over a lazy dog.
Text box: brown fox___________

Observe that the selection is gone.
And I would rather expect:

An old [brown fox] is jumping over a lazy dog.
Text box: brown fox___________

Why? “brown fox” is still in the buffer you can continue to paste and Klipper allows you to hold X number of the previous copy/pastes.

If in the same document you can only have one selected text. Is there something that actually does what you want? Or is this just a wish. I admit I have never seen this anywhere.