Hi I have the default install of openSUSE 11.4 64bit and default Firefox 4.0b12 installed. I have installed multimedia support as per caf4926’s guide on this page: Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide
When I playback Internet web page movies in Firefox they flicker badly. The same movies played in Google Chromium play just fine.
What do I do to get Internet films to play fine in Firefox?
So swerdna, my thoughts of Firefox 4 is that its likely not going to work until the final product is released or with one of the final Release Candidates comes out and moves to openSUSE 11.4 update. Until then I am thinking you should stop using Firefox 4 beta 12 or consider dropping back to Firefox 3.6.15. Either way, the answer is to not use Firefox 4 beta 12. Forgive me if this is not the answer you had hoped for, but I continue to look for a better answer myself.
@caf426: Glad you have no problems – it means it’s fixable, here’s a link to a vid that plays smoothly in Goolgle Chromium but flickers and jerks in Firefox: IMDb Video: Avatar: Trailer #2 @jdmcdaniel3:“yes or no?” → No. **
swerdna, I must say that the Firefox 4 situation will fix its self in the future and the only problem is that it was not ready for prime time when openSUSE 11.4 came out (in my humble opinion which others may not share). You have a few choices you can make now until Firefox 12 is ready for all to use. I did visit your Movie player for Avatar and it worked just fine in Firefox 3.6.15, my temp solution I decided to use until Firefox 4 is up to the task.
brucecadieux, it seems kind of strange that Flash 10.2 works fine with Firefox 3.6.15 while using Flash 10.1 works just fine with Firefox 4 beta 12. The story just get more curios by the day. I will say that anything to allow the standard Firefox 4 in openSUSE 11.4 to work would be a good thing to try.
Just for the record. Yes I see the same as @swerdna did.
The issue is not the codecs as you have already figured.
Please someone bug report this both to novell side and upstream to mozilla
I just now installed Gnome/openSUSE 11,4 on my Laptop: just confirming that brucecadieux’s workaround also applies to Firefox in Gnome for openSUSE 11.4
I have been saving the libflashplayer for a while. I will be keeping it and will leave it up for anyone else who may have a problem. I got it back in November from adobe flash square.
A side note I downloaded the latest flash player square from adobe web site, and am going to test it to see if I have any problems with it.
On my 11.4 KDE (zypper dup upgrade from RC) and included Flash, that clip plays smoothly with SeaMonkey. It only plays smoothly and displays correctly with FireFox 4 beta in full-screen mode. In windowed mode, it doesn’t display that website’s player properly (the transport is there but only part shows where clicked (that’s how I reached full-screen mode), and there is a black square in middle of the window. However, I don’t get that or any problem when streaming BBC iplayer films so I won’t be downgrading Flash in a hurry! Any ideas about the windowed mode issue in FF?
Hmm, what else may be different? PulseAudio is enabled here. Having added Packman’s Essentials repo, I installed the automatically selected updates (via YaST). I didn’t use the multimedia guide (deliberately to see how far I could get), as everything (not yet done local DVD video playback) I normally use worked after finally adding VLC, and gstreamer’s bad and ugly plugins. As of today all Packman Essentials updates (upgrades/downgrades) are applied. However I see there are some official updates pending (KDE packages mostly), so best to apply those first and report back.