I’m running tumbleweed, with firefox 42.0, and i’ve noticed the file dialogs with the program do not follow the system setting for how the mouse should work. I have my system set for single click to select, double click to open, but all dialogs in Firefox are single click to open. I have been unable to find a way to change this or anyone postings of anyone with the same issue. Is this true for others as well? Anyone know how to correct it?
Looking in about:config I find nothing to change that .it seems hard wired
For years I set Windows to single click so never had a problem with translation to Linux.
I’ve found that removing the package “mozilla-kde4-integration” corrects the mouse behavior, but at the expense of less integrated look/feel of the dialogs. Is this a bug in that package?
As the “single click” behaviour of the X-windows system is older then Microsoft Windows, it is no surprise to me that software written for X-windows follows this.
It seems that some software allows one to change that to Microsoft Windows “double click” behaviour (I have no idea why, maybe to support ex-Microsoft Windows users that love their RSI). But it is quite possible that not all software designers take the trouble to build in such a “feature”.
Might report the problem on bugzilla since mozilla-kde4-integration is a openSUSE package. and it apparently is not passing the desktop preference to the app
Since single click is standard in all but Windows not sure the developers will want to bother with something that at best is a edge case for one person.