As part of my job, I have to read numerous newspapers from around the world and download certain news stories onto either an external hard drive or USB stick.
I have been doing this for years without any problems, using various versions of Suse. However, several months ago, whilst using Suse 11.4 (Gnome desktop), one web site began giving me problems; whenever I attempted to download articles from this site, my computer would flash up that “an unknown error occurred” and suggested I try “saving the article to a different location”.
The odd thing was that, if I double clicked on the file I was attempting to download on the “download” box - where it was flagged up as a “failed” download - the file would then download! Bizarrely, bit by bit, this problem extended to around half the newspapers that I monitored.
The stored files were all odd though, since the Folder and the HTML page appeared not to be linked, with the actually file being text only, excluding ads and graphics.
I have subsequently upgraded to Suse 12.3, whilst at the same time purchasing a new computer on which to run it. Initially, things went fine, especially since I began downloading onto a Sony USB stick, rather than the previous Verbatim external hard drive. Then the problem started again and is back to the previous level of difficulty, with half of all files now refusing the download first time!
When this happens, a pop up suggests I download to a different location, so I do; the file will download into the Documents section of the computer under the original name, or onto the USB stick if I change the name of the file!!!
I live in the UK, where I get BT Infinity 2 broadband and use Firefox, but, as a test, I took a laptop running Windows 7 and Sea Monkey to Belgium and plugged it into a Belgacom broadband link there and was able to download files without any problems whatsoever…
I can’t identify the common thread here. Can any of you guys help?
What I want to do is download articles as “Web Page Complete” onto an external device as I always once was able to do.