Firefox 129.0.1 Tabs Crashing Frequently After Last Update

Title says it all. Since the last update yesterday, Firefox tabs have been crashing like crazy. I can’t find any reference to this from a Google search - all related search results are either from years ago and there are few recently and none seem applicable.

I did see one post on Reddit that suggested there was an issue with Mesa, which IIRC was updated recently. If that’s the case, that would be the second time this year that a Mesa update has screwed Tumbleweed.

Anyone have any idea as to the problem or a workaround? I suppose I could revert the last update using snapper but if there’s a simpler workaround I’d prefer that.

I’m still getting the hang of things, so I could be mistaken; please let me know if that’s the case.

I’d suggest checking “YaST” as well, as it may help you manage your packages and dependencies more effectively. Additionally, you could try disabling hardware acceleration in Firefox to see if that stabilizes things temporarily.

My package management is fine.

I believe I had hardware acceleration turned off.

I just did a Firefox “refresh”, so I’ll see if that has mediated the issue.

I did try Microsoft Edge as a temporary alternative (I keep it and Chrome installed for situations like this), but it was having problems as well, but I don’t know if that was related or not.

I’ll see if the Refresh has changed the situation. The reason I suspected the recent update is because I haven’t changed anything in Firefox itself since it was working fine yesterday before the update.

Well, the refresh appears to have slowed the frequency of crashes. I’ve had one since I did the refresh. But I haven’t been using the browser as much, in terms of switching sites or tabs, in the last hour, so more testing is needed.

Probably not Mesa. Even packman is on 24.1.3, which is two months old.

Although it could be that even a 2 month old Mesa is too old when it comes to kernel firmware updates.

24.1.7 just got submitted to the X11 branch though, so this could change.

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