Finding USB port address for entering into PUTTY for seriiel connection

I am trying to connect to a switch which has a usb socket for a serial connection to which I wish to my laptop usb port. How can I find the correct address and syntax? I have used dmesg and believe I have identified the port am stuck for what to enter in putty. I have options such as “TTYUSB0” but nothing has worked yet.

Like so many things in Unix/Linux, the usage of capitals is avoided (because you then have to hold down the Shift key when typing and Unix people, specially those of the beginning hated to to use their finger sto much for typing). Thus try to find it with

ls -l /dev/tty*

What does the switch manual say about the USB port connection, likely they expect you to plug in a USB to Serial cable or USB to pins creating a PL2303 Serial Port.