This might be the wrong sub-forum to post this in. Apologies if it is.
I have a number of NTFS format HDD’s in my system, yet I can’t find them under OpenSuse( other linux variants have mounted them and I’ve been able to find and browse them ). Is there something specific I need to do to enable/mount them, or am I just not looking in the right places?
geoff001 wrote:
> Hello,
> This might be the wrong sub-forum to post this in. Apologies if it is.
> I have a number of NTFS format HDD’s in my system, yet I can’t find
> them under OpenSuse( other linux variants have mounted them and I’ve
> been able to find and browse them ). Is there something specific I need
> to do to enable/mount them, or am I just not looking in the right
> places?
Using YaST, select System / Partitioner. You should see a table of all your
partitions. Highlight each of your NTFS partitions that you want mounted, click
on edit, and add the mount point. Something like /windows/C, or whatever you
want. As long as you do not add, delete, or reformat any partition, you will not
cause any problems.
Worked perfectly. Thank you.