Finding hardware

I am a new user under linux.My wireless device is’nt working.Help me for monitoring this problem…I am using OpenSUSE 11.And my linux activated my sound card but i can’t watch films and i can’t listen musics.Because i must download codecs.How can i find true codecs for my divX,Mpeg,mp3 and many others?Please help me for this citutation.I changed my operating system with linux.Please greating me and help me…:wink:

Welcome to openSUSE Linux and welcome to our forums.

To setup your codecs, you should first setup your Software Package Management such that it is easy to install software from the internet.

To do that, I recommend you setup 4 Software repositories in your Software Package Manager. A repository is in essence a file server connected to the internet that contains a number of packaged applications for openSUSE. The 4 repositories I recommend are Update, OSS, Non-OSS, and Packman. Just those 4. No others. You can add others briefly if and when required, and when you understand the risks/implications of adding others. To add the 4 I mentioned (Update, OSS, Non-OSS, and Packman) with your PC connected to the internet follow the guidance here: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community
Once you have those 4 added, go to YaST > Software > Software Management, and select xine-lib for de-install but do not apply that. Then select libxine1 (packaged by packman packagers) for installation. Apply those two settings.

Then select for installation xine-ui, smplayer, mplayerplug-in, flash-player, vlc, amarok-xine and amarok. Also, add some codecs in addition to those players, such as libffmpeg0 (its dependencies will add codecs), w32codec-all, xvid, libquicktime0.

To play dvds, you can briefly add the repository videolan, add libdvdcss, and then remove the repository videolan. Then add from packman libdvdread4 and libdvdnav4. Do NOT keep videolan in your repository list. Remove it after installing libdvdcss as videolan packaged applications can interfer with packman packaged applications.

Then you should be all set.

If you can’t access internet with this machine you will have trouble setting up multi-media playback.

Tell us about your wireless device - if you can’t

Open a terminal, type:
then root password

now paste the result of




this may give us a clue

Can’t you hardwire to the internet.?