Just wiped Windows from my machine and installed OpenSUSE 11, sweet OS with lots of programs and nice on the eye two. Impressive and easy to install with lots of goodies included out of the box. It picked up my TV card and it works with a couple of the TV tuners. Can anyone recomend a Media Centre alternative for Linux that i can configure and install.
Freevo too!
Congratulations for the switch :), and welcome in the community!
I use K3B for burning DVDs and CDs; VLC, or mplayer with the smplayer GUI for watching movies and DVDs; Amarok for playing audio; tovid for creating DVDs.
Cheers for the Info, Mplayer looks like a safe bet for vids and dvd etc(using the smplayer gui). Tried to install freevo but this one looks like a weekend job with all the settings for the framework. Gonna try MythTV to get me started. System is up and running now. Built in visualization as well - sweet rotfl!
Congratulations on the switch. OpenSuse is indeed sweet. For me, after running Ubuntu and Debian for a long time, it’s been a bear to configure but I’m getting there.
Yeh I made the switch as well.I really like opensuse - been running it since 10.3 ,but still have major issues with hardware support - one of the reasons I run suse over other distros is my printer , a lexmark x1150. Can at least download a file from Pacman for the Z600 and make it work - tho very limited. Dont want to be messing about with command line - did all that with w 3.1 & w 95 - 98. So I still run dual boot with XP - and have to use it quite often - cmon guys love the effort but needs more to be mainstreem for the masses.
One can only wish… that it’ll never go to that.
why not - if ms can have world domination - why not linux?
Yes i had an XP dual boot but found it to easy to select the wrong OS, i have had a few issues with hardware but once you get through them its worth the effort. Command line is the best part of Linux, full control if you know whats what and how to use it (i am a noob). The grass is greener on the other side! Getting outta M$ one minded box is the best thing i have done in ages.
Masses are stupid, individuals are bright.
I’d rather have Linux keep a certain level of ‘required intelligence’ to it that weeds out the worst offenders. It takes care of the “waa i clicked this ‘i am not a virus.sh’ and it wiped all my data, linux suxxxxxx” people.
Elitist? No. Sensible? Yes.
I wonder what ASUS tech support is like on the Eeee, which seems to be targeted at the masses.
sounds a bit elitist to me.So what about the old lady that i set up on linux cos I think its better?
So expecting that people put effort into learning something new rather than demand that works exactly like they’re used to is elitist?
People that expect Linux to be like Windows can go take a swim in a volcano for all I care.
but opensuse is “sold” as a replacement for the windows OS.And does OK for a major part. But if I stick it on a laptop for a 70 yr old , I get into real probs for any kind of support. Seems to me like many people still want to keep it “underground” sure thats not what the distros want.
Please point me to an official openSUSE document that claims it’s a replacement for Windows and functions exactly like it.
I believe you’re reaching for the word “alternative” rather than “replacement.”
no i cant do that but it still is a replacement - or should everybody use it as a second system?
just wondering: do you actually know a 70 year old with a Vista
laptop who does not need help gettin’ started, or recovering from one
to many clicks, or repairing virus damage, or or or
i fixed up a 65+ granny in Denmark with a no-name box bought without
an OS…loaded SUSE 10.2 on it almost two years ago (didn’t give
here the root password), and gave her a Red Hat 7.2 gettin’ started
manual (from a boxed CD set) and turned her loose…
yes, i’ve answered many questions…and she LOVES Linux…loves to
brag to the other old ladies about not EVEN having an anti-virus
i reckon when she gets to 70 she can come here and give advice!!
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon
not talking about a laptop with vista - I have to use mainly old ones with limited hardware. I do voluntary work for a local organisation and try hard to set people up with very limited funds.And I don’t really want to get into arguements - just looking for conctructive ways to use a free OS.