I just installed TW with the Gnome DE on my laptop and I want to setup file indexing for some of my folders I made in the home directory. I added them under the search directory in the Gnome settings but they are not showing up in the search results.
I went to search online and found out that this is handled by a service called tracker, but I can’t find it installed anywhere on my system. Not under systemctl list-unit-files, not even the tracker3 / tracker command is found.
Does anyone have any guidance on how to proceed with file indexing?
Thanks for the reply, I think I found the command that handles the indexing here. It’s called localsearch.
When executing localsearch daemon -w I can see some entries being generated on the new paths I added in the settings but when opening the gnome shell and searching for those paths, it doesn’t seem like they are being forwarded to Gnome.