Files in NTFS partition can't be overwriten

I have one partition in ntfs.
I can create and delete files in this partition.
But i can’t overwrite files, it says permition denied.
I guess that it has to do something with permissions.
All files in ntfs partition are with root@plugin permissions.
What can i do?

Post terminal result of

cat /etc/fstab

And have a look at this:
FSTAB - Editing Manually - openSUSE Forums

Here is my fstan regarding this partition.

/dev/sda6 /windows/d ntfs-3g user,users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=002,locale=el_GR.UTF-8 0 0

Change it to

/dev/sda6 /windows/d  ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

check the guide about how
reboot after

Ok. Thanks. That worked.

Can you please explain to me,why with
user,users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=002,locale=el _GR.UTF-8

can’t overwrite files?

If you want to read about this - look here:
HowTo Mount NTFS Filesystem Partition Read Write Access in openSUSE 10, 11

fstab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia