Filename/Filesize in bytes? ls -l too much info


As PHP’s file_size doesn’t work on directories without write permissions (yes… very odd) I was looking for a workaround using exec/parsing the results.
So I basically want just a list of filenames/size in bytes for easy parsing.

ls -l
Does what I want aside from the useless additional information in there.
ls -1 -A -s -h
Gives the size in KB/MB etc, bit difficult to parse
ls -1 -A -s
Gives size in blocks, but need root permissions to figure out the blocksize?
filesize [FILENAME]
Works great, but only one file a time? Probably going to be rather slow with a lot of files in one directory. Tried **filesize *** and **filesize *** but both give back the result of just one file.

stat -c %s file

Hash: SHA1

Why not just use du? By default I think it gives you kilobytes but ‘-b’
will have it return bytes.

du -b /path/to/your/file

Good luck.

Axeia wrote:
> Hi
> As PHP’s file_size doesn’t work on directories without write
> permissions (yes… very odd) I was looking for a workaround using
> exec/parsing the results.
> So I basically want just a list of filenames/size in bytes for easy
> parsing.
> ls -l
> Does what I want aside from the useless additional information in
> there.
> ls -1 -A -s -h
> Gives the size in KB/MB etc, bit difficult to parse
> ls -1 -A -s
> Gives size in blocks, but need root permissions to figure out the
> blocksize?
> filesize [FILENAME]
> Works great, but only one file a time? Probably going to be rather slow
> with a lot of files in one directory. Tried *filesize ** and *filesize
> ** but both give back the result of just one file.
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Ah thanks both of you,
du -b works perfectly :slight_smile: (well aside from hidden files… but mweh, don’t care much about those)

A little trick that might help, or not :-), in the future when you are looking for the “right” command:

Do a:

man -k regexp | sort | less

The short descriptions and manual page names are searched.

Then do a man on the command(s), that look like they might work, and a find for your string. It helps to know basic keys for less, like: / p, n.

man 7 regex - regular expressions
man 7 glob - shell file globbing

Just a small tidbit that hopefully helps make life a little easier.

On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 18:16 +0000, Axeia wrote:
> Hi
> As PHP’s file_size doesn’t work on directories without write
> permissions (yes… very odd) I was looking for a workaround using
> exec/parsing the results.
> So I basically want just a list of filenames/size in bytes for easy
> parsing.
> ls -l
> Does what I want aside from the useless additional information in
> there.

How about:

du -b *

This is really useful. I never noticed “man -k” before :slight_smile: