File server Samba+Active Directory

Hello, I m trying to configure file server with several share folders (suse 12.2 console only). I want to use active directory permissions on this folders.
I add opensuse server to my domain using Yast - Windows domain membership.
My problems:

  1. From windows - When i use /start - run \suse/ i v got error about time sync with my primary domain controller.
  2. How to configure share folder \suse\folder for domain user (for example Mydomain\user1)
  3. How to configure read only access for Mydomain\user1 on folder and full access to Mydomain\user2

Need code example from smb.conf. :frowning:

There is a comprehensive how to on this link
but unfortunately he reached his banwidth for this month. Do a search on the forum for samba and you might get what you need.

Thank you, trying…:wink:

“1. From windows - When i use /start - run \suse/ i v got error about time sync with my primary domain controller.”

This is because your linux clock and windows clock are not synced (or it have more than 5 minutes difference).

its easely solved by manually adjusting the clock to the same time as your client or vice versa. OR using the same ntp server