I get this message whenever I attempt to install software. This has gone on for about one day:
File ‘/repodata/repomd.xml’ not found on medium ‘http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/43/openSUSE_11.2/’
Are the servers down or should I fix something?
(By the way does anyone know why the spellchecker in firefox underlines every word I type when there are no spelling errors?)
Looks like the 43 repository is gone.
You can always test by putting the address into a browser
Are you sure you have a dictionary installed and it is the right language?
I am pretty new to linux, was a unix sysadmin operator over 10 years ago so I can not say if everything I say is correct or what you should do, but it may be worth a try. I have since that time been with windows, but think I will stick to suse linux. Anyway to your problem. I had the same problem and looked all over the net and could not find anything that really seemed to work for me or in other words under suse linux. Suse is in many ways a bit more user friendly that some other linux operating systems. What seemed to help me is going to YaST and clicking on Software repositories. From there find the repository with the http – http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/43/openSUSE_11.2/ – and click on it. This is the one that was giving me probs the same as you have. Once highlighted take the check mark away from Enable. In other words, disable it. Click ok and try your updates again. I had no more problems. I also went to online updates and got all my debugs that I could not get for 4 or 5 days. Everything works again.lol!